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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can I attain a desire to be more evil and careless about a person life?

Question: How can I attain a desire to be more evil and careless about a person life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Based on my sources (provided herewith), I can offer two reasonable paths:
(1) simply express your normal human capacities; and
(2) act as though you are as you desire to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are to be careless about human life, this must include all human life, including yours!. How can you attain it!? Simple: Be a nihilist: have a firm conviction that there is nothing, as Nietzche so firmly says then there is no basis for morality, evil and good go out the window!. If there is no god, then why not be evil!? he asked!. So, this carelessness for human life must start with you, are you ready to be sisiphus!? Or are you like any little physically bound being affraid of death and nothingness!? don't you fell you want to preserve your being!? Not being skears you!?

Answer these questions and you will realize that despising a human life is wrong because it goes against our own human nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simply desire it, and your MIND will store it for your next life and what you desire will influence your Fate Karma for your next life!.!.!. and your actions based on such desires will initiate Karmic due bills that will bring such actions back to you!. Be sure to resist these by making others responsible for them, and this will set up new Karmic due bills for yourself and you will, in your next life not only be more evil, you will have evil acted out against you with intensity!.

There is nothing more "careless" than this!.


well stop feeling guilty, only care for yourself and how to make your life better with no care for anyone else, or you can just start by hurting animals getting larger and larger till you think you can harm a human!. not that i think you should do this!. why would you want to become something like that!? live by the sword dye by it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What kind of mentality is that to have!?
Try to develop a mood of respect for others, instead of a selfish attitude!. Only when we show respect for others without expecting any in return and learn to tolerate the misgivings of others, will love grow!. Compassion,respect and humility is the fertile soil in which the delicate creeper of love can grow!.
If God could give us the gift to see us as others see us!. We are always judging others instead of looking at ourselves and honestly seeing what changes can be made and are needed in ourselves!. Someone else realisation is easy!. But self realisation, WOW! that's much more daunting! Look within see the truth is there!. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!. Take care!. Best wishes!. GourangaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Simple!. Think long and hard about this person!. Think of all of the ways they are INCONVENIENT to you and your goals!. Weigh this against how useful they are to you!.

If they are worthy of your carelessness you will proceed to treat them "evilly"!.

I'm an absolute moral relativist, though!. Easy for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Join the Marines!. If you get through basic training and qualify for sniper school or special forces training you'll be a killing machine without remorse!.!.!.!.that is until your conscious comes back to life after you have blood on your hands, my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being selfish is man's default nature!. It isn't difficult to follow the base temptations such as envy, vindictiveness etc!.

The hard part is choosing the more difficult path of forgiveness and denial of urges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You evidently have a conscience!. In that case
you will find that it's easier to learn to deal with
evil in a correct manner,
than to live with having done it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you sick possesed creature! why would to want to be evil and carless about a persons life!!! YOUR SICK!Www@QuestionHome@Com

start by writing nasty/really mean answers to stupid questionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

keep watching tv!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com