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Position:Home>Philosophy> If finding peace the ultimate human pursuit, then what attributes does one need

Question: If finding peace the ultimate human pursuit, then what attributes does one need to have!?
Thanks in advance for answering!. Peace be with you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We have all required attributes,only longing for peace is lacking!.Everybody is contributing to disturbance of peace
which resulted in the present state of conditions in the society
which is appaling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has been my own experience to cease looking for answers and allow them to surface on their own, as I had noticed them surfacing all by themselves over the years anyway! I have also discovered that attributes have nothing to do with it, we all possess all the equipment needed to wake up and live consciously, molding and creating with life as it happens or unfolds!. We've already been built with all the necessary attributes!. It is in this instance that while Creation has its hands on its offspring, its offspring is being taught simultaneously how to sculpt and create along with it!. also, peace is unique to each individual!. If you are silently bursting with joy within, and your heart trembles and weeps with joy and applause at times, then the time that your heart celebrates will increase and will maintain that celebration longer as it builds its celebrating muscles!. There is a group called awakewalking if you are so inclined to visit!. Respectfully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In life to be peaceful we need to feel happy and we often feel happiness when we are with friends and are doing things we love in life!. Two of the main reasons why people do not have peace are; lack of friends and an inability to accept pain!. We can find peace on a permanent basis when we learn to accept our sorrows and appreciate happiness!. The human mind often gets in the way of peace and so do thought forms!. It is very difficult to know when we are being controlled by thought forms and when we are living naturally!. In order to find peace one must understand their own mind and how to prevent it from taking over the spirit with wicked thoughts!. Doing things you enjoy in life with people you like can greatly increase your happiness and therefore give you peace!. Do not think for one instance that peace is something that you can achieve alone!. You need friends and a purpose to attain peace!. People who say they can feel peace and happiness no matter what happens in their lives obviously do not see that they have a purpose and also many great things in their own lives that have created that peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!

The only way to have a peace of mind is when you have a very good purpose in life!. Thus, this brings happiness as equally the very penultimate human pursuit!. Therefore when happiness is present, there will absolutely be peace!. Having too a good moral conduct is a very good attribute for the pursuit of peace!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace will most likely never be achieved, because, simply this, everybody thinks that war will never end!. Henceforth!.!.!. it wont!.!.!.

just like the greenhouse effect, "Well, one person isn't going to make a difference" (everybody is thinking that same thing)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no qualifications needed, only the deep need to end this inner war, turmoil and suffering caused by the ego mind is needed!. then surrender happens!.!.!. beauty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Patience, Humility, Acceptance and MettaWww@QuestionHome@Com
