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Position:Home>Philosophy> If indifference means to give up to passion...?

Question: If indifference means to give up to passion!.!.!.!?
does that mean you be passionate even in indifference!?

inspired by an answer:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't think passion can exist within indifference!. I said in my other answer!.!.!.that the two are like two sides of a coin for me and I think that's a good example here as well!.!.!.they can't touch one another at all!. Indifference isn't love or hatred, it's simply not caring!.!.!.so I don't think someone can have passion there!. Passion would mean!.!.!.they hated something!.!.!.which is more substantial than indifference!.

Whew! Did that make sense!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!. I think you can be passionate in indifference and therefore not give up your passion!. For example!.!.!.I may love the juice of a peach and be thrilled by it's succulence as it travels down the curvature of my chin but never utter it or exhibit it to another soul!. I'm still passionate about it's taste but you may think that because I don't wipe it off my chin that I'm just indifferent to it!. Especially if you called it to my attention and I don't respond except with a mere shrug of my shoulders! Alas!.!.one might think that I just don't give a flying fig !.!.but!.!.t'is not so!. I'm passionate about the juice and taste of that peach! LOL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.!.!.no, I think that would not be classified as passionate, only stubbornness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the latter may well be true but isn't really a universal truth and also seems to contradict the hypothesisWww@QuestionHome@Com