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Question: Is God just a hypothesis!?
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As there is no physical, valid or reliable evidence to prove, support the existence of the god or the gods as the same have often been presented in or from supposed "divine revelations" espeically in regards to the "reward/punishment" forms of faith and belief systems and as such evidence is necessary so as to support a theory, god or the gods become a "hypothesis"!.

Some might argue that there is also no evidence to disprove the existence of a god or the gods whch is simply inocrrect!.

By examination of the supposed qualities of the god(s), again, as the same has been presented in the works of "revelation", such as the Torah, Laws, psalms and prophetic writings of the Jews often referred to as the Tanhak, the Christian "Old" and "New Testaments" and the Holy Qur'an, one can quickly and clearly demonstrate that the god(s) are not mericful (having created many more who by the judgments of such works are condemned to eternal damnation and suffering), nor just (punishing a finite creature for finite sins with infinte punishment), is not all powerful ( demonstrated by not yet having been able to effectively communicate with all of its supposed creation in a manner which is understood by all and therefore not debateable), is obvoiusly not all knowing (see the above asides), etc!. as the same is presented as being!.

Further, one need not disprove anything as the onus is on those who profess that something is true to prove the same which is, of course, impossible by their own admissions!.

Those who might point to the "perfect workings " of all that exist have obvioulsy never looked a birth defects, auto immune diseases, cancers (i!.e!., the mutations of cells that do not self replicate correctly), the vast number of animal and plant species that have died out due to their physical defects and limitations, etc!. and this is just on our planet!.

That having been said, god or the gods might well exist as the creative force or energy of the cosmos and all that exist however, that god or gods have chosen to make themselves unknowable by mankind either by accident or by design!.

If by accident, then such is not god as god can not have accidents!.

If by design then that god is not loving nor reaching out to its creation so as to actually offer any real "salvation", which would make said god(s) cruel, mean spirited, manipulative and, again, not well fitting the very definition of god!.

The majority of all of the "reward/punishment" faiths have all undergone tremendous change immeidately following the demise or disappearence of their individual "prophet", factionalizing, dividing into various sects or cults as well as falling into the egotisitical disputes over leadership positions and the acquisition of power over the faithful!.

Some prophets such as Jesus, the Gautama Buddha and Muhammad have been deified to the position of being thought of as "infallable" in matters regarding to the faith or, despite their protest ( as the Gautama Buddha protested prior to his physical demise), have been elevated to a god that is worshiped as the original teachings have been forgotten, twisted or distorted!. The Muhammadians or Muslims have elevated the Prophet Muhammad to being equally as important as Allah, Subhanna wa Ta'ala, by demanding that those who profess their faith in Islam hold the supposed lived example and saying of Muhammad ( the Sunnah al Hadiths) to be as important as the supposed divinely revealed revelations and scriptures of the Holy Qur'an!.

The history of religions has been one of disharmony, disunity and divisiveness that has created a climate of fear, hatred, bigotry, biased judgmentality and wide spread condemnation which has caused a great deal more harm to the multitudes than the same as ever served or helped espeically in regards to the practice of exclusivity as seen in the preaching of peace through crusades, holy wars and jihads!.

It is truly amazing how many refuse to see the obvious, study seriously and in a critical manner ( as one might do in a more scientific pursuit of knowledge) so as to be enabled to continue to cling to the feathers and smoke, rattles and drums of decietful superstitions from the long past and who teach their children to do the same!.

If there is a god or the gods, let us optimisticly hope that such might eventually communicate with humankind for its betterment but this one will not hold his breathe until such happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The existence God is unprovable, (all attempts to do so
have been embarrassingly flawed, so: mostly, Yes!.

But consider that the idea of God, and by extention,
religion, is also a 'Meme', - an idea that persists in a culture
because it confers a benefit on it's holder!.
It is a comforting idea, and it creates a cooperative community ,
so that it does offer some real physical benefits!.

People will bend themselves 'all out of shape' to hold on
to such an idea, and it does not pay to argue with them about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I say my cereal was cold this morning, and you say "prove it!" then the idea that my cereal was cold is a hypothesis TO YOU!.

Many people have had subjective experiences of the presence of God!. To these believers, God is not a hypothesis!.

When you try to make my bad breakfast experience a hypothesis, you are completely misunderstanding what you are dealing with, and trying to take LIFE EXPERIENCE and turn it into statistics!.

It is just another attempt to kill my breakfast!. Why do you want to KILL MY BREAKFAST!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

God is REAL! That is all there is to it!. He made the earth all humans and all animals and everything good! I am a Catholic and i believe and i know that God is real! I feel him in my heart and receive him each time i have the EucharistWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes, once upon a time, a man called jesus had a vivid hallucination after smoking datura ferox!. he saw what seemed to be an entity!. made a story and died for this false hope which many call a good cause!.
moral!.!.!.drugs killWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's a possibility!. there are so many gods none knows who's right!. that is why so many people fight and we have so many religions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would say yes, most religions are just a hypothesis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! Exactly so!

The idea of god doesn't even come close to a theory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No; he's real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com