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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you dead for forever or for no time at all?

Question: Are you dead for forever or for no time at all!?
when you die do you spend the rest of forever being dead, or do you spend no time at all (since time wont be passing)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i dont knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

In my experience, there is till a succession of events in the after-life, but, there being no sun-earth angularity, time in the mundane sense is not; one dwells in eternity, with some bridges into and influx from mundane temporality!.

Time as a linear, ubiquitous passage of sub-atomic events with higher scale analogs is, in any case, a useful approximation, but of little overall value in understanding what "time" is, let alone relating such to the post-death experience!. Reliance upon it stems largely from a Newtonian Physic and a Christian, post-Medieval, European point of view!.

Consulting a Latin dictionary (not an English one - the Oxford Latin dictionary will do) regarding the difference in meaning of sempiternity and eternity (usually considered the same in English) may start a different line of thinking regarding time and eternity!.

One might also question whether "forever" is a concept founded in reality or simply the human intellectual and imaginative striving!.

Note also, the singular concept of "time" as linear is very much a reduction of what humans have conceived of in that relation!. The ancient Greeks conceived of time in three major senses (linear, cyclical and I forget what the other was), and did not see them as exclusive!.

The succession of events that is the tick of a clock or the regular decay of Strontium-90 is not the only measure of time!. And such speculations as you make enquiry of will not be answered in the mere here-&-now, but only in light of Astral and Past-Life experiences!. A review of Special Relativity also would not go astray: the passage of time is dependant on the velocity of the observer - what are simulataneous events for you will not be so for someone in aeroplane flying above, let alone a (hypothetical) rocket ship making passage to Beetlejuice!. ("The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene is a readable book in this reagrd)!.

A Caveat on my first comment: note the important qualifier, "my" on the "experience"!. I do not suggest all people persist after death, but I have met no few who do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think you die at all!. If you have a life force in energy it can't be destroyed!.

The coolest thing I have seen is my baby daughter chose a card that related to frustration and that made me think that if you had a previous life and you are reborn then that would be exactly what you would feel!.

Death to me isn't really a end to anything, but a path to something else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you die there is no more you to exist in time!.

Your question is like asking if you extinguish a fire, does the fire exist in some extinguished state and does that state have the attribute of time or not!?

If something stops it is not moving in a different sense, it has stopped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death means you cease to exist, and if you cease to exist, how can anything else exist for you!? Therefore time would also cease to exist!. It is like sleeping- just with no dreams or any sign of consciousness whatsoever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death is an illusion!. Life is eternal, which explains reincarnation, and is consistent with the Law of Conservation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

forever and timelessness is synonyms!.!.!.filled by Life!.!.!.Why do you think it is immeasurably eternal cemetery!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.life is eternal!.
!.!.!.death is only a path to another realm!.

First of all, time isn't passing right now if you want to get technical-- modern physics has proved this, so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, you live forever in heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com