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Question: Is it wise to believe in God!?
If there is nothing that can prove his existence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, it is never wise to believe in things that cannot be disproved!. You can't disprove the existence of fairies, leprechauns, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but I think most people will agree that it is not wise to believe in them!. So why should any one particular religion's god, goddess, or gods be any different!?

The important thing here is "burden of proof"!. If someone is making a positive claim (meaning something like "X exists") then the burden of proof is on them to support their claim with good objective evidence!. And as the saying goes, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!." Currently I'm unaware of any such evidence, though many claim it exists!.

For example, those who claim "miracles" are evidence, they either fail to provide any objective evidence for the claim or the supposed "miracles" actually have natural explanations that do not require godly intervention!. Even if there are "miracles", all that proves is that there are miracles, it doesn't prove that any god did it!. Perhaps it was simply a person with "supernatural powers" who is not a god!. In other words, since there is more than one possible explanation, it is wise to stick with the most probable ones, and just about anything is more probable than "gods" as an explanation!.

For those who claim the "perfection" of the body or the universe, they are wearing blinders, and thus are not demonstrating wisdom!. What about autoimmune diseases, where the body's own immune system begins attacking the body!? And what about birth defects, the backwards design of the human eye with blind spots and "floaters" and presbyopia, and why should we require sleep!?!!? The universe itself is barely habitable, so to say it was "tuned to create life" is absurd!. That's like saying a creek is tuned to create moss!. The fact is, the creek isn't "tuned" to do anything, the moss simply evolved to take advantage of it!. If the universe was different, then we'd still imagine we see some sort of "clockwork precision" simply because that's how we'd define it in that universe!.

Those who use circular logic or begging the question to "prove" some god exists are not demonstrating wisdom!. If you assume A is true to prove B and then use B to prove A you're simply attempting to lift yourself by your own bootstraps!. You need to prove one independently of the other to use it as evidence of the other!. also, assuming your conclusion is true in the premise of your argument is another logical fallacy, because by doing that you can "prove" ANYTHING!.

Finally, those who propose Pascal's Wager, the argument that belief supposedly costs nothing if you're wrong and non-belief costs a lot if you're wrong, that argument is founded on unjustified assumptions!. It assumes if a god exists that he is a jealous god and that god doesn't care about how good you are, only that you worship him exclusively!. Furthermore, it assumes that this god won't punish you for worshiping basically out of fear of punishment and greed for a reward!. It also assumes that belief does not cost any time, money, effort, or cause mental or physical harm!. Pascal's Wager ignores the fact that you could literally waste the only life you have worshiping something that doesn't exist, and get no reward for that!. Furthermore, Pascal's Wager doesn't tell you _which_ god to believe in, so it's not really that helpful even if you accept the flimsy premises it's based upon!. Those who believe because of Pascal's Wager, or some version of it, have not seriously considered its problems!.

In short, without good objective evidence that supports the existence of some particular thing (like "gods") more probably than any other explanation, it is unwise to accept claims of that thing as being real!. While the religions may teach that believing things on blind faith is a good thing, one does not have to look far to find many examples of the harm of blind faith can cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please, look to the universe!. Look to the mechanism of your body, how it functions perfectly;there's no robot in the world that can be compared with its perfection!. Can't you see the splendid nature around you!. You should see the greatness of God in the greatness of the sky, of the accomplished solar system, of the universe that's still unknown for mankind!.!.!.!? Can't you see God in every dorp of rain and every drop of water you drink!? Please tell me who is the one who claims to create all this!? God alone is able to do so, and you cannot see him because he is too real for our little modest eyes, but you can feel his permanent presence with you!. It's nothing less than wise to believe in Him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you think that nothing can prove the existance of God I think the wise thing to do would be to look for the existance of God and form your opinion on what you find!.

I think some people confuse religion with fundamental religion!. Not all religious people hate people from other religions, go out of their way to cause wars and hurt people because of their different opinions!. It is true that religion has been the cause of and will probably continue to be the cause of wars but this does not mean that everyone who follows that religion supports wars etc!. A religious person does not have to be any more good than people without a religion but they believe in God and believe that they should please him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If there is nothing to prove his existence, there's nothing to disprove also!.

Things working around the Universe with such clockwise precision does make one wonder about the force or power behind them!. It makes sense to believe in God in absence of any contraindicating proof!. Keeps us humble too in a way!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Miracles happen eveyday, some ae just to blind to see!. Everyday someone who was thought was going to die lives, a miracle has happened!. Everyday a baby is born, that day is miraculous!. This life is but a test, to see whether we are worthy of going to the kingdom of heaven!. If there was no war, no poverty, no suffering, it world be easy to believe in God!. It would be like giving highschoolers a third grade math test!. It is easier to say "Because of these bad things, there must be no God," But for those who say "I will believe in God, despite all this, They are the ones entering God's kingdom!. So yes, the answer, quite simply, is YES!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If one can believe in a god or the gods as well as being allowed to question every presented aspect of the same so as to be able to base ones belief on ones own personal and lived experience rather than the suppposed revelations of some other one several thousands of years in the past;

if one can choose to follow only those parts of any supposed revelation that actually work to the benefit of ones self as well as all others and discard those aspects which create a climate of fear, hatred, bigotry, disharmonly and disunity as well as those which are judgmental and condemning of any other and, thereby hurtful or harmful to others;

if in believing in such a god or gods leads one to being mindfully aware and to demonstrate such awareness by the practice of loving kindness, compassion and caring towards all in all situations at all times;

if one is not called upon to attempt to force ones new found beliefs off onto others who may not choose to follow the same, or if one is not called upon to "preach peace" while taking part in a crusade, holy war or jihad;

and, if and when one finds that such is not the path for that one and wishes or chooses to follow another path, that one is free and allowed to do so then, and only then, yes following such a god or gods and such a religion might well be beneficial to that one and possibly to others!.

God or the gods may well exist a the creative force or energy that is in every aspect or part of all that exist, however, this god or these gods would not likely be completely knowable to any part of its creation as said creation could not likely see it as a whole but would only experience parts or different facets of said god(s) at any one moment!.

The god or gods as presented in humanly received and supposed divine revelations, upon careful scrutiny of the same supposed revelations, appears to simply be a creation of the mind of man and nothing more!. Such a god or gods are shown not to be all knowing, all wise, all merciful, just, etc!. Just the opposite appears to be the case if the revelations are in fact true!.

It would appear a wiser path to seek ones answers from within ones self!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

2 reasons why you should believe!.
(1)There will never be absolute proof there is a God!. Reason!? This scripture is true!. "Without faith it is impossible to please God: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him!. (Hebrews 11:6) If you've proof, then faith is no longer needed!.

(2) Bible has 31,101 verses in it and how much of it is addressed to the atheist!? One half of one verse!. " The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God" Psalm 14:1Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's WISE I tell you because you do not know the GODS of the people who believe whom!. This question is from AquaAzul, okay!? I don't know you, Right!? Now think, you invited me as friend to a party, okay!? What should be my reactions or behavior to you!? Being a sensible guy, of course I would accompany your party & would behave the way you behave! That doesn't mean I would have to quit my BELIEVE! I used to attend such parties with my friends from different religions----so what!? I do WISELY accept the situations & even I do accept their GOD-------The Allah of the the Muslims, The Bhagwan of the Hindus, The God of the Christians-----it doesn't matter to me!. Rather I think, it's WISE to believe GOD such way!. Would you take me as Hypocrite!? NO, you can't! You need to 'PRETEND' some time!. I can tell you so many stories about pretensions, especially at the time of our liberation, you'll go wild! So, my last word is, it's wise sometime to believe in God to avoid conflicts!. Believing in God doesn't mean that you accept God! When you are bound to live in this world of God's world or Nature's world, -------------you've to compromise! I don't know, whether I've convinced you! All these answers are from my alcoholic brain at this hour! I'm sorry, yet I loved that you've used a photo as Avatar! Thank you so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, and even more wise would be to study what He has to say to us!.
Think of the Bible as mankind's "owner manual", and maintain a daily reading/study of the books within the covers of the bible!. In this wisdom will serve you when you most need it and even when you least need it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For most it is wisdom to believe in a God and an everlasting heaven promised by self-apppointed intermediaries after being forgiven by them for a lifetime of sins!. For me, it is investment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That would be a hypotheritcal what if!.!.!. because belief is not blnd faith rather it is a leap toward the light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


always trust and believe god, there is lot examples for his existenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing to do with to believe or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. It Is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the wisest thing there can be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"God alone is wise!.' - PlatoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Of course believe in GOD!.what else is there that makes any sort of sense!?!?!?!? when u r on a good thing stick to it !!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In order for a decision to be wise, a close examination of the surrounding criteria needs to be done!. Wisdom comes from specificity, not giving a blank yes/no answer to a general question!.

Is it wise to drink alcohol!? If one were the offspring of alchoholic parents, then the answer would be that would would not be wise to do so!. If ne had no history of alcoholism or psychological distress, then the affects of drinking would be mitigated, so long as one did not have to drive home afterwards!.

As for your God question, you have created the philosophical version of an x + y = z equation!. Your criteria of not having enough evidence to prove his existence is, in fact, insubstatial, since the lack of proof is subjective!. What would prove God's existence, would such proof be the same for everyone, and if not, would such evidence fail the test for proof, and thus exclude the possibility of ever answering the question!? A devoutly religious person would say that their faith is, ipso facto, proof that God exists, but because someone else (of a different faith or no faith) would flatly deny such proof, the question of proof comes into question!.

Of course, if one really and truly wanted to tackle the question of "God" in an empirical and logical fashion, one could easily believe or find proof in the existence of a "God" that both conforms to the notion of God but also refutes it!. One can believe the Earth is round (true) and 500 miles across (false) and the lack of evidence would only delay, not deny, which aspect of their statement was true and which was false!.

How 'wise' you think someone is who believes we live on a round Earth that is only 500 miles across determines how your question should be answered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. considering all the wars and violence and hate and greed and **** comes from believing in god, its hardly worth it!. then you have to look at all the science people deny because of religion!. all the love and caring that comes from religion is easily out weighed by all the bad things it brings!. i hate to break it to religious people, but you can love and be a good person, and do good things for others without believing in god!. i do good things becuase that is just who i am, a good person!. i dont do good things because i am afraid to be punished and sent to hell if i dont do them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you need something to live by, to help with your self esteem than yes!.

Otherwise no, there is no proof and dedicating your life to it is rather silly, i mean if i put it this way, i will seem crazy right!?
someone once had a fascinating story on vampires (think of jesus), wrote it in a book (think of the bible) with rules (think of the 10 commandments) like no sunlight, dont go near garlic ect!.
So should we all worship vampires!?
live like them, and drink blood coz they say its good!?
no!? WHY NOT!? coz they are not real!?
HOW DO WE KNOW THAT!? no proof!?
oh that's interesting coz i could have sworn people do pretty much the same thing about religion!.

pathetic, but some people need that broader belief, they need to feel accepted and guided!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Believe yourself is the wisest !.Www@QuestionHome@Com