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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats on your mind right now that you just want to shout out?

Question: Whats on your mind right now that you just want to shout out!?
It can be anything!. I know most people have stresses, and very rarely do they have someone to turn to!. I'm one of them, and I enjoy talking to people about my problems, but it's difficult for them to understand!.

If you have something you want to say, anything- I want you to say it!.

I don't mean come in here and be completely rude!. I don't think I'd care if no one answered, it would just show everyone is living healthy, stress free!.

Here, I'll tell you whats on my mind!. I have 2 exams on Monday, tomorrows our last day of school- my math teacher hates me, and I'm practically failing!. I want to give up, but I won't, or my dad will kill me!. My timetable next year is all University credits, and I'm stressed!. My family is a wreck over something as stupid as a dog peeing on the rug!. I'm tired from swimming!. And, well!.!.!. I'm just wondering what all this is for!. I look up at the sky and it seems so carefree, and then I see all us humans stressed over pee on a rug!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. that almost everyone i know is being a stereotype!.
2!. there are some people i know that are just being 100% rude!.
3!. i'm so annoyed right now!
4!. almost everyone i know is making such a big deal out of every little thing and i just want everyone to calm down!
5!. i LOVE when people are friendly and kind and gentle and stuff like that!.!.!. but some people i know are actually doing that i little too much(i know that sounds weird) and feeling and acting so perfect and its a little strange cause i feel like i'm around robots!.
thanks for making this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This book is already bugging me i need a blast of energy and creativity!.!.!.i stayed up all night last night ploting everything out but i cant really get it started and now im doing more research and im getting frustrated the person i hav helping me edit isnt available!.!.!.!.!.gawwwwwww
so now is there any website that anyone can give me to help!.

oh and i help but to think of all the other books i started and failed atWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going on vacation tonight, but I'm not entirely psyched!.
I will miss my friends I great deal!.
I'm really kind of sad!.
Recently I have taken up a fear of death that is stressing me the fxck out!.

I'm just kinda in a blah mood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want an intellectual man who loves me unconditionally and respects me and what I do for a living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Thanks, I feel better now!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

STOP EATING ALL THE HAM AND SCOTCH EGGS I GET HUNGRY TOO YOU KNOW!. Phew!. Blood may have been shed if I hadn't got that off my chest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com