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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there anything that you don't need a reason to do?

Question: Is there anything that you don't need a reason to do!?
just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
everything is done for a reason!.!.!.
we eat to live
we love to be loved
we hate because were hated
we think because we have that power
we know because we think and learn
its all a process!. and there's really no point in questioning it because it never ends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's assume that you have to have a reason for something you do!.

Then you must have also had a reason for having a reason for that thing you wanted to do!.

And you also have to have a reason for all those reasons, ad infinitum!.

In other words the idea that you have a reason for anything is very strange to the point of being absurd!.

The expression "having a reason" is an expression that we use in common language to explain there was some cause and effect relationship between a thought (the reason) and the action to do!. That causal relationship rarely really exists!. What is happening is usually quite a bit more complex and most of it is unconscious!.

Our every day speech is filled with expressions like this that don't hold up under a little bit of analysis!. But that is the way human language is!. The most important thing about such expressions is that people accept them as being an explanation of what is happening as it helps make our society work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything in life is purposeful!. Even actions that you might think are irrational or insane are done for a purpose, although the one doing them may not know the reason!. That's not so strange because animals, insects and trees never know why they do what they do--mainly they act on instinct or genetic programming!. We humans know why we do what we do some of the time but mainly we act compulsively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't need a reason to pet my dog!.!.!. or kiss my kid!.!.!. or pinch my honey's butt!.

I don't need a reason to smile at people in the supermarket!.!.!. or wave at people when they drive by my house!.!.!. or hold the door someone whose hands are full!.

I don't need a reason to answer questions with thought and genuine interest, not even 10 points!. I don't really care about the points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything must be for a reasonWww@QuestionHome@Com

no! but is your "reasoning" gonna help you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com




Yes, to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com