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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you bored with life?

Question: Are you bored with life!?
I am sick with doing the same thing everyday, working, making money, going to school everything everyone else does!. I want to go on adventures and just jump into my books and live my life like they do!. Who else feels this way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am not bored with life!. I treasure my existence and look forward to tomorrow to see what changes will occur!. It is my opinion that some individuals are bored because they are afraid to go beyond their own small world!. There are a lot of things one can do daily such as trying new foods, changing what you normally wear, making the first move on a girl/boy you like and feeling the acceptance or rejection, disagreeing with your teacher/professor in class and getting into a civil discussion are just a few things you can do and the exhilaration is unbelievable!. So don't be afraid to try something different you will be surprised how the world will look after you lose your fear!.

Another thing we can do is answer questions in this forum truthfully from your prospective (without being rude) so that we can learn from each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes yes yes yes YES! UGH!.!.!. I hate society!. Why must I live in a cement, sky scraper city!? Why must I go to school!? WHY do I need an education!? Why can't I just make the whole world start over and be an animal like a dolphin, or a bird!?

I hate how advanced humans are!. I don't like money, or doing the same thing over!. I hate being woken up from my dreams to get ready for school!?! I wish I were in a coma dreaming 24/7!.

I just want to leave the city and explore the world!. All its natural beauty, before we ruin it all! I want to live in a fantasy world like Harry Potter, or Lord Of the Rings!.!.!. Oh good lord why can't I die and go to a planet with real hopes and dreams!

Ugh, I'm done :)

good question :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oh my gosh, YES!!!
School's boring, you don't get to learn about anything fun and interesting!. I just want to go somewhere like the amazon jungles and search for treasure! Something fun, adventurous, and exciting! I'd love to just sit alone outside somewhere and read books! But I can't!. Why!? Because I have to get on with my same everyday boring life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel the same!. Feel like my entire life is just stuck on the repeat button, nothing ever changing, nothing ever interesting happening!. Nothing interesting to look forward to!. Problem is!.!. I don't see a way out of this monotonous loop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Move to Afghanistan!. You boredom will disappear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com