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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we ever actually pay the cost of living?

Question: Do we ever actually pay the cost of living!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
its seems that the answer is no!.

we are never done paying
our final payment is to surrender it
and it carries on without us
at least in physical form

So, I am sticking with No!.!.!.!.!.!.

However, it does appear that we have the opportunity to share in it!. Never own, or payed for, just a reflection of life shared in a sea of consciousness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are doing a cost benefit analysis of living!?

I once knew a guy, who was dying of MS and who did cost benefit analysis for a living, that he could make a C/B analysis come out any way the person requesting it wanted it to come out!.

Likewise, I think you need to figure out how you want the analysis to come out!.

As for myself, I don't think the question has any importance other than the destruction it can do if people take it seriously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you heard of "instant karma!?" The laws of the universe work so that you receive the consequences of your actions immediately!. Just like when you touch a hot stove and pull your hand away, so do you respond to every action you do or thought you have!. It may take some time for the mind to realize it but the consequences are there in many subtle ways--like a churning stomach, a headache, a pain in the back!. All of these are feedback for what we do!. We pay the cost of living every moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really!. In most cases, the expenses we pay in life are towards us living in the sense of staying alive!. We really don't LIVE to the full extent!. Most of our population is worried about something!. It could be something life threatening or something simple like paying for the gas bill!. Even if its not that, its likely that we can attain the full package of what life has to offer unless we're following the covenant with our creator!.
If we really wanted to live and live freely, the cost would be far too great because there is always something that needs to fixed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. In life, we are faced with so many trials and burdens that are more than enough payment for allowing us to live!. yes, because, it is innate to us to be like this!.!.!. to live in debt, to exist not in harmony!.!.!. all part of living!. Life is actually a gift to man but because we are sinners, hence we are called debtors and the price we pay!? never ending sorrow and struggles to survive!. The price of life is too high to pay that we simply have to live with it, wether we like it or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Debts are subject to the laws of mathematics rather than physics!. Unlike wealth, which is subject to the laws of thermodynamics, debts do not rot away with old age and are not consumed in the process of living!. On the contrary, they grow at so much per cent per annum, by the well known mathematical laws of simple and compound interest!.
The inevitable consequences that result when society pits the mathematical notions of compound interest against the physical reality of thermodynamics!. While debt can grow at compound interest forever, real physical wealth cannot continue to grow at the same speed because its physical dimension is subject to the destructive forces of entropy!. Since wealth cannot continually grow as fast as debt, the one to one relation between the two will at some point in time be broken- i!.e!. there must be some repudiation or cancellation of debt!. The positive feedback of compound interest must be offset by counter acting forces of debt repudiation, such as inflation, bankruptcy, or confiscatory taxation, all of which breed violence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This earth belongs to someone!. We indirectly pay the cost of living here!.
We take plenty of things here but we are not allowed to take them with us when we are called back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would think in every transaction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes we do we pay its consequences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In heartburn alone!Www@QuestionHome@Com


yes my friend, its called deathWww@QuestionHome@Com