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Position:Home>Philosophy> Should we keep murderers alive, jailed for life or hang them?

Question: Should we keep murderers alive, jailed for life or hang them!?
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I think they should be handcuffed and shackled-- two members of the victims family are given aluminum baseball bats, 10 minutes alone with the murderer- no questions asked- whatever is left , if anything, spends the rest of his life drinking all his meals thru a strawWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's not a matter of "should!." It's a matter of "can!."
No legitimate government, at least according to the founding fathers, can claim ownership to any person's liberty!. When we execute criminals, we effectively hand over our own lives to the government!. It's so absurd to me that as a society we all so willingly allow our own government -- our subservient -- decide who gets to live and who must die!.
So no, we should not "keep murderers alive" nor should we kill them!. We should do all that we can to ensure that they will no longer be a danger to society, while acting within the constraints of a civilized people!. Jail them for life, in solitary confinement, if necessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keeping them alive!. They can work, and contribute to society!. As well, they can be studied to better understand this alien nature, so as to prevent it in the future!.

And if at some point they are redeemed, then society has won them over!. If society puts them to death, then the message we send is that life is not valuable and that killing is a solution!. Instead it is up to society to teach that killing, no matter what, is never the 'final solution'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jailed for life, with minimal privileges!.

Executing murderers punishes them, but also makes victims of their innocent family members!. No matter how awful the murderer is, s/he almost certainly has parents, partners, children, etc!., and they did nothing wrong, but will suffer as much as the family of the person murdered if their loved one is executed!. I saw a program on this once, with the person's family watching the clock together in their kitchen at home, unable to afford to even travel to the prison!. It was quite an eye opener, and I don't know how anyone who claims to be for justice can be for this kind of injustice against the inmate's loved ones!. It is a consequence of the action!. It must be considered!.

I would be much stricter on "no second chances" for anyone convicted of a violent crime!. I cannot understand why people who commit assaults and rapes and even murders are ever let out of prison to begin with!. If it was me, and I could change the laws, there would be a one strike and you're out law on violent crime!. Period!. We would all be better off if we locked up dangerous people at the first offense!. They cross that line, and they do not deserve to live with the rest of us any more!.

** peace **Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my honest opinion, Murderers must be kept alive but jailed in maximum security prison!. why!? So they will suffer the consequences of what they did!. IF you hang them, you are just giving them an easy way out!. You are doing them a favor!.
Let them suffer, but suffer in a legal way!. Do not treat them as an animal because if you do, it means you are also one of them!. There is no difference between you and themWww@QuestionHome@Com

If proved guilty and depending on how and why the person murdered the other!.
If the person planned to murder that particular person for a period of time, then should be murdered because that was premeditated!.And those kind of persons are a danger to society!.
If some one kill by accident, then deserves a pardon!.And if the person murders due to unsound mind, then that too deserves a pardon!.
In short, those who hire others to murder must defiantly be murdered too, since they are the brain washers and manipulators of society rules and regulations!.
Thanks for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It might be an eye for an eye!.!.!. but if we killed the murderer we would become murderers ourselves!. So in my opinion alive in prison for a long, long, long time!.!.!. or for life!.!.!. because life is worth so much!. And I think that if we killed all the murderers then in a while everybody would be killing everybody and then we would see what real violence is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The death penalty is unjust and ineffective!. Firstly, there have been people proven innocent after they've been executed!. Think about it, innocent people!. As an innocent person myself, I'm not too pleased about that!. Secondly, the death penalty punishes the poor!. A murder suspect who cannot afford a lawyer is far, far more likely to get the death penalty!. Finally, look at the results!. Most of the post-industrial world has abolished the death penalty, yet it hasn't resulted in higher rates of murder!. The death penalty doesn't solve the problem any more effectively!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you don't give enough choices - what if it's a kid who repeatedly has been abused (physically, emotionally and/or sexually) for many years and finally murders the parent who's been doing the abuse!? Like that girl in Austria kept in a basement for 24 yrs, repeatedly raped by her father and gave birth to 6 kids from her father!.!.!. she didn't murder him, but I would have forgiven her if she did!.c All that to say, depends on the case!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life in jail with no privileges!.
It kills me to see these murderers locked up with their TVs, games and books!.
They took a life and should live out their remaining days in the same misery as the family who lost their loved one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spending the rest of your life behind bars, is a punishment worse than death!. Consider a day in the life of a prisoner and picture doing that same thing for the rest of your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jail them for life, because theyre life gets taken away but they also get punished with the hardships of prison life aswell for the crime they committedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Execution by lethal injection providing they are found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, no chance that it wasn't them!. Keeping them in jail wastes tax payers money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they should be put to work!.
mindless difficult labour that no-one else wants to do!.
digging roads on a chain gang for 30 years for example!.

depends on weather there was an "eye witness" involved in the conviction!. It seems most wrongly convicted people are done so by an eye witnessWww@QuestionHome@Com

I believe murderers should be tortured slowly over the course of many years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To all the answerers prior to Matt:

What a relief that we have achieved civilisation at last!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have then jailed hanging upside down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Execute themWww@QuestionHome@Com

i say if they took one life of someone then lets take theirs so they cant take anymore!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

An eye for an eye!.Www@QuestionHome@Com