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Position:Home>Philosophy> Who thinks we will ever reach peace in the world?

Question: Who thinks we will ever reach peace in the world!?
If we would have peace, how would we get to such high standards!?

Do you want peace!?

Why do/don't you want peace!?

How would our world be if there was peace in the world!?

Thank you in advance for all of your answers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love this question!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.and the best answer I ever heard was from an episode of the X-Files!.

Mulder finds a Genie, and asks for world peace on his first wish!.

The genie!.!.!.!.!.!.!.a little smarta**!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.makes every living person on earth disappear, and then turns to Mulder and sez!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

"Peaceful, isn't it!? "

She then adds!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.If Jesus CHIRST couldn't bring about world peace!.!.!.!.!.!.!.what makes you think I can do it!?

I think she had 2 good points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace is driven by hate, which is driven by fear, which is driven by the unknown or the different!. Having peace in the world is probably the most difficult thing in the world, because everyone will have to be unbiased!. So, in my opinion, peace won't happen fully or it won't happen for a really long time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a society "we" are given reasoning and so the only road block in any situation is choice!. When everyone in the world unanimously chooses peace then yes there will be peace in the world!. Unfortunately there are a percentage of people on the planet who believe that peace is not the best option and as long as this percentage of people live peace shall never be!. Normally the person(s) that have the correct concept will live on eg!. survival of the fittest but in this case the peaceful people will die because the non peaceful people will destroy them!. Which begs the question!.!.!. Is peace the right answer if those who follow it are not outliving those who do not believe in peace!.

I want peace!.

I want peace because the world can focus on improving rather than fighting!. This cooperation could bring our general intelligence to exponential levels!.

The world would be peaceful!.

Your welcomeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Peace isn't such a high standard!. It's just hard to have peace when you have Religious Zealots who think blowing themselves up and taking innocent bystanders with them is a path to everlasting life!. It's hard to have peace when people don't live for this life but are constantly worried about what comes after you die!. I got news for you, your dead!.!.!.!.!.live for today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is evidently not in human nature to live in peace!. Different people want different things, which leads to disagreements, settled in the last resort by force!. I would guess that when you say you want everyone around you to live in peace, that you really mean that they live according to your values!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

once there was a scientist!.!.!.
he was working in his laboratory for over 20 years!. he wanted to find a solution to the world's problems!. a formula or something!. he spend all his time in the laboratory and hardly ever came out to see the world!.
one afternoon his 5 year old son came to see him!. he asked: father, why you never go outside!? why do you always spend your days in here, instead of playing something with me!?
the father said: you know, son, the world is in a crisis, everything looks so bad, people are fighting, nature gets polluted, wars everywhere, i want to heal the world, i want to help the world!.
but, daddy, that is exactly what i want to do, can i help you somehow, son said!.
father smiled!. then he said: well, i am not sure if you can help me, but you can go outside now and bring me a world map!.
son went outside and brought a world map!.
father tore it into pieces and gave it back t the son!. so, son!. now go and fix it again!.it will be as hard for you, for you don't know how th world looks like, as for me to find the formula to heal the world outside!.
son went ou, disappointed!.
but after 10 min he came back, map was fixed!.
the father stood with mouth open!.
how did you do this, he asked!.
son said: well, i don't know what the world looks like, but i know what a human being looks like!. on the backside of the map was a human being, and when i fixed it, the world was healed!.!.!.

see, it is really like this!. we have no control over the world's happenings, we cannot control others and make them do what we think is right!. for millions of years people try the impossible to convince others of their "right" way of life!.!.!.!. hopeless!.
we can only take away our sorrows, violence, fear, anger towards ourselves and others!. that is all we can do!. then at least this is not burdening the atmosphere any longer!.

and when you do this, you will see a whole new world!. a healed and beautiful world!.
because now you see the world through your filter of misery and suffering, but once you are healed and aware of your inner bliss and love, then you will see this in every other human being and you will help them to see this as well!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. I don't know how we would get to these standards!. Maybe if there was less miscommunication in the world!.
2!.Yes, I do want peace!.
3!.I want it because my life would be less stressful!.
4!.Our world would be awesome with peace!. but there'd probably be less action movies!. It's really hard to tellWww@QuestionHome@Com

SGI does nothing else and is getting increasingly successful at it!. Check ou Daisaku Ikeda's activities as the prime example!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we live in pease this is peace if you dont always think about how anybody could see your whole life throught your eyes instead of working to gether which people claim is more important!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There will never be world peace because of too many competing views on religion, gender, etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not so long as every single person in the world cannot find peace within!.

And none of us are so enlightened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There will never be peace!. Think about it!. War is in The Bible and goes back to BC times!. And it is still going on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please instate a comprehensive "Oversight of NSA Ethics committee" (ONE) to manage the National Security Agency (NSA) as outlined below, a system allowing the Government and the people to think as one!.

To maintain equitable representation of all peoples, each State shall publicly elect an Oversight of NSA Ethics (ONE) delegate paralleling each elected Congressman and Senator position; but having no affiliation!. The Constitution for each State shall act as the basis for the ethical perspective of each delegate!. The requirements for election as a ONE delegate are:

*shall be a certified doctor from a nationally accredited school
*shall have authored and published a paper related to ethics in a nationally distributed professional journal
*shall be a permanent resident of that State
*shall pass uniform but unique tests related to Ethics, Critical Reasoning, probability, and statistics
*shall be free of a felony record
*shall not be strongly biased regarding any special interests
*shall forever be disallowed from ever discussing any information formulated or witnessed while in office; and shall teach ethical evaluation for two years after their term in office
*shall submit themselves for lie detection and questioning periodically to prevent outside influence by any special interest

The delegates shall be relocated to the surroundings near the NSA and will be furnished Government owned housing while in office!.

Physical security for the delegates shall consist of NSA surveillance with an armed NSA controlled security force to control any attempt to access or disproportionately influence the delegate or their family!.

Each delegate shall have a two person staff at the NSA and a two person staff in their home State to monitor, collect, and research information!.

Each State shall have one highly trained field agent for each delegate for that State whom shall collectively implement directives from the NSA using legal resources!.

All work surrounding NSA data collection shall be done in a secure facility protected from military threat!.

Absolutely no raw data or interest specific data or interest specific directives shall ever leave the facility under penalty of treason related to all intentionally involved!.

No interest specific data or interest specific directive shall be propagated outside of the confines of the NSA by delegate staff or agents under penalty of racketeering!.

The ONE delegates shall poll their respective communities related to values and perspectives, but polls shall not contain any Special Interest specific information!.

The NSA shall devise and maintain a relational database to allow delegates to productively relate all measure and kind of ethical issue to the vast amounts of information collected by the NSA!.

The delegates shall formulate "Automated Directives" for automatically: flagging potentially destructive relationships, developing priorities, developing issued directives to field agents, monitor metrics to verify results, track long term effects and related relationships, provide for a continuously updated scores related to the qualities related to our freedoms and security at that moment in time, and provide simulations for anticipating the effects of issuing a proposed directive and how it would affect the freedoms and security scores, !.!.!.

The creation of directives shall solely be governed by the ONE Committee!. The President, Congress, the House, the Military, nor any other special interest group shall ever have any influence over the creation of directives, other than approved ethical channels of communication!.

Any attempt to do so outside of approved channels shall be considered treason within the confines of the NSA, and racketeering otherwise, and all involved shall share the same fate, regardless of political standing or financial backing!.

Because the positions of the delegates are elected positions!. Data would be provided by the NSA which tracks the number of hours each delegate actively performed research, the influence each delegate had on the overall freedom and security qualities, and the core generalized formulas for creating the Automated Directives would be publicly disclosed but would not relate delegate involvement nor the data or type of data that they relate!.

This is necessary to help ensure high-tech corporations do not willfully subvert NSA monitored data!.

Each delegate would be allowed to create public announcements that do not violate that which is outlined above!.

The ONE delegates shall govern themselves regarding inappropriate actions generated by a delegate, with periodic oversight by the Senate and Congress!.

A delegate that fails to use ethical reasoning in promoting a Directive and which benefits a special interest may be penalized and a State elected alternate may take their place!.

The term of service for each Delegate shall be four years; followed by a two year mandatory position at an accredited University teaching related ethics topics involving analysis and software!. The Delegate may then accept nomination for the following election cycle!. Classes in ethics for learning to create automated Directives shall use independently developed computer models and simulation systems!.

At no time shall any Directive from the NSA be directly analyzed!. The simulated environment would cause errors inconsistent with NSA real world processing!. However, relationships discovered can be submitted to the NSA for review through approved ethical channels!.

Collectively, the ONE committee shall determine the information necessary to guide the President, Congress, Senate, and the Military!.

The President, Congress, Senate, and the Military will have continuous one-way input into the NSA as part of NSA data collection, without warrant, the feedback will be immediate, so there is no need for any political party or military component to have dialog with ONE delegates or the NSA data collection and assessment systems!.

The Congress and Senate shall provide a team trained in ethical evaluation to periodically monitor (not control) the NSA and report back to the Senate and Congress!. The military remains under the control of the Senate and the Congress; and the NSA shall only be allowed restricted control over a military asset with minute by minute support of the majorities of both the Senate and Congress where time critical relationships exist!.

Every political representative in the United States will be able to send their viewpoints to the NSA by sending an email to a NSA server, with only an automated response!. But their views will be collected and processed automatically by the data collection system!. The same applies for all citizens!. All citizens shall have representation and voice!.

The administrators necessary to manage the NSA regarding operations personnel, supplies, existing field agents, the budget, and all other aspects of the NSA shall answer to the ONE committee and shall provide a continuous and accurate assessment of resource managment to Congress!.

As technology provides greater capabilities in diverse areas such as spy technologies, computer modeling of world economics, !.!.!., the NSA shall continue to evolve systems to better represent and anticipate the needs and desires of all citizens!.Under this system, the NSA shall collect and assess all information as practically possible worldwide, without the need for warrant in the United States!.

Instate a comprehensive "Oversight of NSA Ethics committee" (ONE) to govern NSA data collection systems as outlined above; a system allowing the Government and the people to think as one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com