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Position:Home>Philosophy> Kill or don't Kill? Make up your mind, God!?

Question: Kill or don't Kill!? Make up your mind, God!!?
Acts 10:13
"Get up, Peter!. Kill and eat!."
Exodus 20:13
"You shall not murder"
Proverbs 23:2
"and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony!."

Which is it!? I'm fairly certain this is completely within context!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In Acts 10, Saint Peter has seen a vision of a heavenly cornucopia, like a 7-11 filled with all kinds of ready-to-hand animal products!.!.!.but they're on the hoof, and Peter hears the words which you quote!.

The point is that some of the beasts were non-kosher for the Jews, and Peter is learning Paul's perspective--when in Rome, eat spaghetti, just bless it!.

However, the other two are accurate: no murder, only killing in self-defense; and gluttony is simply weigh too much a sin, eh!?

"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis,
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,
even "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bible, especially the old testament, is not a good book to show the righteousness of God!. God, according the Bible, is a ruthless being who doesn’t mind killing innocent people for his glory or for his chosen people!. When God said “You shall not kill,” he actually meant “You shall not kill only those who acknowledge me as their God!.” However, it was perfectly fine to kill others who knew different Gods!. God killed all Egyptian’s first-born males, including innocent children, to save the people of Israel from Egypt!. In the battle of Jericho, God ordered to kill all the living beings: men, women, children and animals in the city!. This does not reflect the picture of an all-good God!.

Sadly, the horrific actions of God are rarely mentioned!. When I was in elementary school, they told us the story of Moses and how he destroyed the golden calf and grinded it into powder!. However, they forgot to mention, or purposely omitted, how Moses put the powder from the golden calf into water and made the people drink it!. also, they did not mention how Moses killed those who were not “on the Lord’s side!.”

People argue that the Bible cannot be taken literarily!. However, many, if not all, fundamentalists still believe that the Bible is the literal words of God and that it provides truth beyond anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, the old testament, atleast the first book is an executive summary of Enuma Elish, the oldest Sumerian creation myth, I think the God in Exodus was pretty convinced that the way to murder humans is by pouring out plagues, one after another!. For that God, he thought human to human killing is somewhat lame, it's as if he is watching a one on one chicken fight!. Proverbs, well, no doubt!.!.!.!. Solomon will have it his way, he is known for being a wise king, my bet is that, he had a good language arts teacher, he knows how to use literary devices very well!. Acts is a book in the new testament, hmm yea, well!.!.!. it's kinda weird because Jesus Christ is completely different from His Father God!. I think Father God misses Jesus so much that He started conniving with the disciples conscience to work towards Jesus's demise!.!.!. and still work with their conscience until it drives the rest of the disciples nuts!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The problem that arrives from the Bible is; Interpretation!. Many versions of the Bible have had many misinterpretations as such!. Where we may read the bible in one certain way, and another in a different!. Look at the Genesis story, had it not said that God created the earth, in what 6 days!. Literally speaking today, that is interpretated as in 6 literal days- 24 hours equalling a day!. However, when the Bible was written, 6 days could me, centuries, billions of years!.!.!. It is just how the Bible is interpretated!.!.!. Difficult to justify what God truelly means, when really we all have our own interpretations!. If that makes sense!.
Sorry if it does not answer your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An attempt on guessing the right answer by following the vague explanations listed in an Oxford-Bible-Oxford dictionary:)

kill - the act of violating the essential human rights of certain ANIMAL species, with the purpose of satisfing your own selfish needs; ways of violation - baking, frying, boiling, grilling, roasting, BBQ etc!.

murder - the act of assassination of Abel by Cain, of Cesar by Brutus, of Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan etc!.

gluttony - the inability of being tolerant to another religon, preaching the idea of the Middle Path, thus exposing yourself to liver diseases, high cholersterol,overweight, polygamy, lavish houses in Hollywood, private jets etc!. Here the idea is "it`s better to be dead when you kill your soul by being too greedy "

P!.S!.I just wanted to explain the meanings in a more original way, so I bid my excuses to anyone who might feel offended!. Being myself a christian, I`m very far far far away from criticizing any religous views or perceptions!. Thanks all for the understandingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Predation is killilng!. The food chain displays a lot of cruelty as life eats life!. I don't believe that God exists!. But if he did, designing such a cruel biological system would indicate that he is an immoral sadist!.

Hareligh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is basically saying that something is not always wrong all the time, and that the choices you make should not be based on what is said to be right or wrong, and that we should think carefully before we make a decision and judge it on the circumstances!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Bibles are full of times when it's okay to murder!. Apologists will simply tell you they are all justified or misinterpreted!.

I'll tell you there isn't a god, and man wrote the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha!. The bible is very confusing!. It just depends on your perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com