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Question: The most important questions that face us as humans!?
I would like to hear what you all believe when it comes to our exsistance!. Why are we here living our lifes with a self awareness on this planet!? what are we!? are we just a germ inhabiting this planet!? then what is beyond space!? Do you believe we are significant in the whole big picture!? We say we have life, but what is life!? Is it possible for you to just STOP when you die!?
Please tell me what you believe!.
My belief is we are all but the same, when we die we all become one constant energy!. we are trapped in our shell of a body now which our senses keep us locked into!. Everything is made of energy and there is more life out there!. size does not exsist outside our dimension!. I believe if you look far enough microsopically, you will find life like us where 1 sec to us could be a million years to them and the same works looking outwards into space 1 million years to us is a second to much larger life!. we could be an atom on a toenail!. In the end all is united into an eternal energy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Inside an atom is a big empty space with a tiny cluster of protons and neurons and inside them is another big empty space with a tiny quark and inside the quark!.!.!.well, no-one really knows whats in there for sure but, so far we havn't been able to find ANYTHING!! So where IS everything!?!? If I look at my hand I am only seeing light and when I clap my hands it is not matter but electromagnetism that is keeping them from going straight through eachother!. The universe and everything in it isnt any more solid or real than a thought!.

Nothing exists but it doesn't have to be a bad thing!.
The most important thing to us as humans, beyond sex and fuel and shelter, is to feel alright!. That's what everyone strives for!. Even though they don't exist!.

So there's no life or death!. Just the opportunity for something to appear to happen to "you"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Camus is great and so are the big questions!. But the most pressing questions for me are what will I have for lunch tomorrow and will I get the job I want in the next few months!. These are the important questions b/c they are what I think about and what guides my life!. Richard Rorty showed that these big philosophical questions don't really mean too much, anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humans are born coz two people mated 9 month before!.!.!.!. we are here to ask why we are here, to realise there is no universally agreed reply!. Life is what you choose to make it, in your own circumstances!. We are here to learn, to feel, to exist, to be!.!.!.!. and we get to find out what happens when it all end!.!.!. when we die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a random collection of cells, God does not exist, when I die Im gone, when My family dies their gone!. Fair enough the matter from which we are made is transferred to something else but so is the matter from onions, and car radios and balloons and wheels and asparagus!.

We are nothing special!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the most important questions, simple!. where do all the odd socks go!.

why does my missus moan she has to cook all day, when she has an oven that does the work!.

and she moans she got to washing all the time, when we has a washing machine!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wonder if there is nothing else why we are on this earth what is the point in people having personalities and all being unique if there isnt anything else!.
I believe in something but it certainly isnt God and the bible crap I just dont know!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea thats not really the most important question~~~~ considering the answer is that we are here cuz God <3's us and when we die our bodies will stay and rot while our (well some of us) souls will go 2 heavenWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its easy im here because God put me here and when I die I will go to heaven!.
God bless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think along the same lines!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are forgetting the most pressing question!.
How will we grow out of hating each other!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ultimate question is expressed in Hamlet's second soliloquy, and it's the central issue of Albert Camus' existentialism!.

Why do you get up in the morning, or, more bluntly, why don't you kill yourself!?

The argument is that life is hard and repetitive, and that the individual is insignificant on a cosmic scale!. There is a gap between emotive pretension and reality, called The Absurd!. In the face of the Absurd, your life may well be meaningless!.

The question, in light of all the facts, as to whether or not one should continue living, is more important than questions about our origin or purported designed purpose!.

In other words 'Why Bother!?' is the most important question we face!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are energy in a biodegradable vessel!. Energy does not just disappear it does however change form!. What is beyond space!? Probably the instant where this whole ride first began!. I don't feel that we have any great significance in the overall scheme of things, more like just a pixel in the overall picture!. But we are there in the picture!. And unless you reach the speed of light time is constant!. Like a monetary exchange there is an amount that one currency has to reach to be equivalent to another!. The ratio may differ but the value is equal!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each human being is at ones Core a Soul!. Ones Soul is an Absolute Energy, an aspect of God, also An Absolute!.

Attached to ones Soul is a MIND!. The MIND has a dual nature composed of Yin and Yang!. Yin, the female energy dynamic is "in and up"!. Yang, the male energy dynamic is "down and out"!. The MIND's role is to insure that each Soul completely explores and experiences the Creation!.

Man is composed of three simultaneously existing realms or energy fields, only one of which is physical!. The other two are ones MIND realm, and ones Spiritual realm!. We fail to recognize this fact because the study of Psychology was taken over by B!.F!.Skinner, and other behavioral scientists who decided to deny and ignore two-thirds of who and what Man is, and has been doing this for over a century now!.

God and ones Soul are composed of Neutral Spiritual Energy, or NSgy, and this Absolute Energy cannot be other than it is, ever!. To discover what NSgy could be, God projected Himself as Souls, and by providing them with MINDs [to experience duality] and a physical body with brain [to think about Life], and endless numbers of lives in which to discover what NSgy can be!.!.!. we are in the process of doing that!.

To insure absolute fairness, justice, and compliance with Life, we have the Law of Karma!. As one sows, so shall one reap!.!.!.!. absolutely, completely, and with no errors!. At the end of each life, ones Soul with MIND attached, goes before a "judge" and ones Soul and this judge evaluate ones past life as to how well one did relative to ones Fate Karma for that life!. One then creates a new Fate Karma for ones next life!. Then one goes to some heaven, or some hell!.!.!. depending upon how "good"/"bad" one was!.

At some future point [when ones Fate Karma has been scheduled] one reincarnates with a new personality and little or no memory of ones past!. Within ones MIND realm are MINDLines, that keep a record of every action and Karmic due bill one generates!. These are all part of ones accumulation of Knowledge and Empathetic understanding which are part of ones Apapsyche [Operational Energy of ones Soul]!. This accounting process is automatic, and fully non-conscious until one reaches a fairly elevated rung on ones evolutionary ladder of Life!.


You mention Energy so this is the way it works!.

P!.9 - §5 Physical energy is a term denoting all phases and forms of phenomenal motion, action, and potential!.
P!.9 - §6 In discussing physical-energy manifestations, we generally use the terms cosmic force, emergent energy, and universe power!. These are often employed as follows:
P!.9 - §8 2!. Emergent energy embraces those energies which are responsive to Paradise gravity but are as yet unresponsive to local or linear gravity!. This is the pre-electronic level of energy-matter!.
P!.9 - §9 3!. Universe power includes all forms of energy which, while still responding to Paradise gravity, are directly responsive to linear gravity!. This is the electronic level of energy-matter and all subsequent evaluations thereof!.
P!.9 - §10 Mind is a phenomenon connoting the presence-activity of living ministry in addition to varied energy systems; and this is true on all levels of intelligence!.

To simplify the cosmic reality is to leave every much out!. The living energy factors of identity are resolved by the transformations of time and the metamorphoses of space into the cosmic potentials whence they once emerged!. This is to say we are to be not what we are but something yet undiscovered!. It is a progressive evolution from the material to the spiritual!.

You see the physical as your reality when this is true relative to now but the future is spiritual in it's completion!. We will always have form but a form which is relative to a level of spirit development!.

Here is a break down of subject matter relative to your quest I suggest you give it your sincere attention!.

Part I
Sponsored by a Uversa Corps of Superuniverse Personalities acting by authority of the
Orvonton Ancients of Days!.

Part II
Sponsored by a Nebadon Corps of Local Universe Personalities acting by authority of
Gabriel of Salvington!.

Part III
These papers were sponsored by a Corps of Local Universe Personalities acting by
authority of Gabriel of Salvington!.

Part IV