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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you answer what i'm feeling? what i'm missing in my life... just hel

Question: Can you answer what i'm feeling!? what i'm missing in my life!.!.!. just help me out a bit!?
i can suddenly picture myself somewhere in a foggy mist on a bridge in England!. out of breath while running after a car!. a car with someone i don't know!.
someone without a face!. or feelings, past or anything!. i abruptly stop and just reflect!. i'm chasing after something that in the end, is nothing!. nothing more then what i can picture to be happiness!.
unclear happiness!. if anyone were to talk to me right now, and ask me how i was doing, i couldn't tell you!. i can't really describe how i feel!. depressed isn't the word, neither is sad!. i mean i'm fine but i'm not ok!. you know!? that doesn't really make sense at all, but i feel incomplete!. i need something!. something you can't buy, or touch!. and this point i'm sure you're thinking love!. but that's not it!. i thought about that, right now, that's not what i need!. what i need is something worth fighting for!. i guess!. but i'm not even sure that's what i want!. i need to know what it is i want!. i always know what i want, and suddenly i know nothing!.
right now i could act fine!. i could tell you anything you wanted to hear!. i could hide behind walls and walls of fake emotions!.
but it wouldn't be real!. inside, at my very core, my being, i just feel empty!.
i feel a void, an abyss!.
while i chase after that car running, in the rain, I'll think about how it's just a waste of my time!.
i have everything i want, nice house, friends, clothes, food!. i'm pretty lucky!.
but to feel empty, right now!? at this point in my life, is just a mystery to me!.
the human mind is a mystery itself!.
i think, i feel like crying!. but i can't cry, i don't want to!.
i'm fine, but i'm not ok!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You need Jesus!.!.!.!.There is a part of every human being that only God can touch!. Rather we believe or not the time will come when emptiness sets in!. No degree, no position, no person or amount of money can fill this void!. Actually when you have these things it can make you feel more empty, due to the fact that you have all you need externally!. People chase money, degrees and positions thinking it will fill that special place!.!.!.!.but they won't!. This is how people get addicted to things, looking for that high but the problem with highs is that they go down!. I'm not trying to push a religion on to you I'm trying to introduce you to a relationship!. Read these scriptures on loneliness

John 14:18
Isaiah 58:9
Isaiah 43:4

I pray that all goes well with you,
God BlessWww@QuestionHome@Com

maybe you're trying to find out what will be your mission in this worldWww@QuestionHome@Com

You need the Lord!. I suggest you read the Bible, New Testament first!. Here are some verses to look up: Romans 10:13, Romans5:8, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Proverbs 3:5,6; Philippians 4:6,7!.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life!. John 3:16Www@QuestionHome@Com

People get this way because the source of happiness is believed to be in something external!. Externals are temporary and cannot bring the happiness we ultimately long for!. I am still going through that phase but learning the more I seek outside myself the less content I am!. All of the wise people we admire all teach to look within instead of without, or else that is what you are left with!.

It sounds like you are seeking to find out what you really are!. It may help to familiarize your self with the teachings of Dr!. David R!. Hawkins, I wouldn't recommend anyone else for help!. It not hard to find any of his books!. Here is a link to some pod cast!.

sounds like you are just unfulfilled!. as in your expectations for your life or even your desire or motivation!.
some dream interpreters say that when you are trying to do something over and over to no avail, it means that deep down inside you feel like you haven't met your obligations or there is something you are afraid you forgot to do!.

you need to find your motivation for life!. find out what you can be passionate about!. you need to appreciate life more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe its just a feeling of inadequacy!. As if your not sure what to do next!. You have an ideal life but its just not enough!. I think these feelings are human nature!. A possible solution could be to just do something completely out of the ordinary!. Find a new career path, something that gives you satisfaction!. Or help the poor, go skydiving, anything to break you out of what also sounds like a rut!. Honestly, I have no idea what you could do, because I often feel this way too!. But the feeling goes away when I think of doing something grand, like backpacking through Europe or help build a hospital in Sudan or something!. When I get a bit older I plan on doing things such as these, and I think it'll help!. Sorry I couldn't be more informative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bible guidance good!.

Some other sources of interest:

"Sacred Psychology of Love: The Quest for Relationships that Unite Heart and Soul," Marilyn Barrick, Ph!.D!.,
"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck,
"Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton,
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,
"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis,

If you can picture yourself on a foggy bridge somehwere in England, then the only thing you are missing is the critical functions to equate that with what is known as longing!?

People who are in a 'void' can't visualize, since 'void' precludes being able to sense anything!. Your being able to visualize yourself doing something (unless you are lying in your post, which will be covered in a bit) means what you lack is the motivation to actually go to England and start looking for misty bridges!. When someone gets depressed and lost, the brain often reverts to the basic drive/instinct within the person, the thing that is strongest within them!. What our mind reverts to is its way of saying "Go here and stop bugging me!."

Of course, all of this only applies with the assumption you are telling the truth!. However, the fact that, even if you are lying, you have the ability to make up a fantastical piece of bull means you aren't nearly as lost as you may seem!. Maybe feeling lost and 'dark' is romantic to you, and this huge sense of mystery is not frightening but interesting to you!.

I say this because you say you can't 'describe' how you are feeling to someone but you use extended dream fragments to augment your story!. If you truly were at a loss for description, your mind would not be able to come up with that either!. So, either you are lying, or the dream fragment is your mind's way of saying 'this is the yellow brick road, follow it!.' Your choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com