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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would a safety-critical robotics project be likely to have problems with its sof

Question: Would a safety-critical robotics project be likely to have problems with its software !?
The "motor" subsystem would possess test cases!.
A "motor" subsystem testcase could be used to "review" the sensor subsystem!. (Can the sensor subsystem detect the data appropriate for the motor subsystem testcase)!. So the sensor subsystem can be "reviewed" as being apparently fit-for-purpose for the motor subsystem!.

So if there are said to be problems with the software, something fishy is going on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If the test cases don't cover all possible error conditions then the motor subsystem will not always know if the sensor subsystem is correct!.

However, normally, an error detection sub system would not be designed as part of any other system, motor or sensor subsystems, but would be an independent subsystem testing any other subsystem!.

The human body's makeup that would correspond to what you are talking about is called the body schema!. It contains both efferent systems and afferent systems for the flow of data from the central nervous system to the peripheral body parts!. You have the motor and sensor subsystems tightly integrated!. If there is a loss in the flow of data flow in either direction, the body image, which is separate from the body schema subsystems and corresponds to an error detection sub system among many other things, would modify the motor response to attempt to correct or compensate for any loss or change!. Please note that to the total system and error condition and a changed condition are virtually the same thing!. Calling a change an error is a value judgment that may or may not be the best way to describe the event!.Www@QuestionHome@Com