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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there hope yet for humanity?

Question: Is there hope yet for humanity!?
Or will it end with people laughing at fart jokes and ignoring their own individuality, and a sex scene in every single movie!.!.!.

If you understand my plight, do not make a stupid remark, less you hasten our own doom!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sorry, I see next to NO real hope for Humanity, if the world keeps on going the way it is at this moment in time!. Nope people are already Laughing at stupid and Crappy TV, stand-ups, totally rubbish shows films, music, etc, etc, etc, jerky Fashion, the world is just going totally backward with its useless comedy sketches, and every-one just following each other, and not using their own initiative on what's funny and what's not, etc, etc, etc!.!.!. , Sorry again , but there's little or no real hope for Humanity!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, there is no hope!. Everything ends, just as everything begins!. We live in a infinite universe (technically), and therefore have infinite possibilities (apparently)!. Humanity, and all its glories and failings, are ultimately mortal!.

I think you should try to be a bit more accomodating, a bit less judgemental!. It is not right to classify vast chunks of the species into groups, and even less right to discriminate!. I'd worry less about other people and concentrate on yourself!.

You are right about the sex scenes though!. Often they are unnecessary!. I suppose its an alternative to having an interval!. There are plenty of good films without sex scenes though!.

You don't have a plight, and I'm already on my way to my doom!. Good luck with the snobbery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

where has humanity gone !.!.!.what a question a biggy ,i have loads to say but one clear point is that we humans are creating our own hopeless destiny into which there will be destruction or there already is human destruction everyday !.sure were human but we are also animals and those basic instincts need to be revived and remembered if we are to survive !.!.!.!.!.!.!.survive what !?!?!?liston to john butler trio , midnight oil etc humanity has been talked about for eons !.!.personally i loathe humanitarians and another thing we are born only to die !.!.!.eventuallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hope!? If you mean humanity remaining don't worry!. If you mean culture and diversity remaining that's down to you Mr!. Individual!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humanity never dies as long as humans are there,all these trends are temporary just like several other stains on/in historyWww@QuestionHome@Com

As long one is alive, there is always hope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Standards are a personal thing!. If everyone else goes to the dogs you don't have to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com