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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you a gossiper?

Question: Are you a gossiper!?
‘Gossip is a form of social bonding’, says psychologist Max Blumberg, the University of London!. ‘It makes us feel empowered and knowledgeable!.’ Gossiping can also be beneficial as a way of shifting the emphasis of our worries away from your own worries, besides ‘gossip replaces what is missing in out own life’, says Max!.

Max then goes on to describe three most common types:

The blabbermouth: The bad gossipers – thriving on negative hearsay, taking snippets of information, twisting them round and spreading rumours!. This type of gossip would often turn nasty as their seemingly innocent chitchat has a darker side!.

The Followers: The ones who do no make gossip themselves, but pass on Blabbermouth’s rumours instead!.

The Whisperers: These are the good gossipers and the most liked as they would give us gossip that’s usually idle and when it is not, they only tell their closest friends!.

So, which gossiper are you!?

Thanks for your responses!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm don't gossip at all, but I tell you something interesting I found out about Anne Widdecombe MP, she is actually an alien being from Aurthrex, and can actually absorb energy through plants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I loathe and detest gossip as much as I do murder!. I have known intelligent and shy people not able to hold down a job because they were too sincere and decent to participate in the office gossip which dominates every office from the White House to a small local library, and so they were edged out!.
In history it was always the women who were victims of gossip who were burnt as witches!.
Gossip is one of the reasons I despair of the human race and refuse to believe there is a benevolent god, or that good overcomes evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll tell the odd interesting story that might be embarassing to the subject!.!. but I despise myself when I'm doing it!. I hate gossip!. As a teen i had some weird stories floating around about me and I'd love to find out who started them!. gossips should be lynched!. It might bond people socially, but it also destroys peoples' lives!. (not mine- mine was just a weird story, not too bad, but I've heard some really nasty lies)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to gossip and I am a person who has to know things even if they are big secrets!.
I am quite good at manipulating people into telling me gossip!.
Which sounds really bad but I am not a gossip who wishes to spread it all around I find out my infomation and keep it to myself!.
Sometimes you have to store things in your brain to use at a later date when appropriate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Human nature includes gossip!. I love to gossip about soap story lines and football transfer rumours etc but hate to gossip about people especially those I do not know and will always remain neutral when those around engage in this kind of gossip!.

I am not in any of your categories!. I gossip about people who are not real etc!. My gossip is totally harmless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a whisperer!. I also only repeat something if I know it to be fact and the person I am telling will benefit from it!. i wouldn't go blabbing my mouth about someone being pregnant or something personal!. If it is something that needs to be known I would repeat it!. Someone being a pedophile or something of that nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm neither,i won't sink to that level i've got better things to do really!.If someone was gossiping about me ,i think that its all a bit stuiped ,if you have something to say you should be upfront!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A cross between a follower and a whisperer!. I do try to keep things that are very personal or potentially embarrassing about somebody to myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am both the follower and whisperer!.!.!.!. blend of both the types!.!.!. it simply just depends on the occassion and personWww@QuestionHome@Com

it doesnt pay to be, or to smile at the misfortunes of others or you will never be happy within yourselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

Majority are born on earth just to gossip!.Classifying the gossip is a waste of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not not a gossip girl because i hate gossipping to other people!.!.!.!.!.!.gossip is badWww@QuestionHome@Com

im more like the followers!.!.!.

i kinda love gossips!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whisperer!.!.!.and you my dear!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com