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Position:Home>Philosophy> The perfect murder?

Question: The perfect murder!?
No, I am not a murderer!. But what is it according to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I will go with Matlock's explination- hide the body and flee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that there is NO such thing, mainly because i also believe that there's no such thing as Perfect, there's only as close to perfection as you can try and get, one way or another, you'll always leave the simplest of clues, a small hair, a bit of d!.n!.a, a print of some-kind, a very small blood stain, drop of sweat, broken nail, a small something, so no such thing as perfect Murder!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think a "perfect murder" is a sort of a paradaox!.
see it as a paradaox in the sense that perfection is absolutely without flaw, and conforms to EVERY paramater given in it's context!. Murder is the act of taking ones free will away from him/her unjustly, which is unethical!. killing in self defense is not murder, and a government execution is not murder either!. So lets not get those mixed up!.

The context of murder deals with someones free will, and when you look at the parameters of our own free will, there is no right given to anyone to take anothers free will unjustly!. So with that, the very act of murder alone breaks the parameters of our free will, making it impossible to murder anyone in a perfect manner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've heard the ice thing a few times but it really wouldn't work because the tip of the ice would melt and it would probably break before the ice could penetrate all the layers of clothing people wear in the winter!.

If I were going to murder someone, I would do it in Guam!. Make friends with your enemy and ask them to go fishing with you!. The water level around the island is about 6 feet deep 300 yards out before the Marianas trench starts!. It's miles and miles deep!. So start getting your "friend" drunk and when they finally pass out from all the alcohol, wrap them up in a fishing net, tie some weights around it and dump him into the trench!. By the time the body even surfaces (if it ever does) it would be so crab eaten there would be no evidence left!. Surfers and kayakers are lost forever all the time!. You have to do it where you'll have no witnesses and when someone says you were the last person they were with, just tell the police you dropped him off at his house and that was the last you ever saw of him!. He was drunk and he probably went downtown to party at one of the many strip clubs and bars in that area!. They'll search your boat and find no signs of a struggle!. Concerned about the missing fishing net!? Steal it from another boat a few months before the murder!. They'll probably never connect the two!. That way, you have no evidence that you recently purchased a fishing net and yet don't have any in your possession!.

No murder is perfect but some come damn close!. It just takes the right minds to solve the puzzle and Guam is so far from the rest of the US, the local police will probably never solve it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The perfect murder is killing someone and leaving no evidence!.!.!.!.!.so then, the perfect murder would be to stab someone to death with an icicle that melts away!.!.!.!.Wanna try it sometime!? Waddaya think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No murder at all or is there!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stabbing someone with an Ice Pick -- Made of Ice!Www@QuestionHome@Com