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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do modern day WOMEN LIKE TO BE TREATED with courtesy by men?

Question: Do modern day WOMEN LIKE TO BE TREATED with courtesy by men!?
Like their mothers and grandmothers were!?
Does a woman like it when a man gives her his seat in a crowded bus!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That's a fascinating question -to me- in many respects, that is, the selection of "modern day" as a qualifier to the female gender (although I believe the asker was simply making a distinction between a woman today versus older generations), and the term "courtesy!."

As a male -an older one at that- my experiences have always reinforced that women most certainly like to be treated with courtesy and again, in my experiences, females are quite ready to also say "thanks," "I appreciate that," "that was so considerate of you," and similar comments as an expression of their thanks!. As such, I believe the answer to the question is absolutely yes!

However, I must admit to also liking to be treated with courtesy!.

As a man, I do not expect anyone giving up their seat for me on the bus !.!.!. however, as a male holding the hand of my child while standing on the bus, I do expect someone (male or female) to ask if my child would like to sit; as a male struggling with any physical disability, I expect courtesy toward my difficulties!. As a male balancing a container of coffees, a bag of bagels, and a handful of files, I expect -male or female- to open the door for me!.

My point is, I was raised by my parents -as indeed my sisters were- to be courteous to others !.!.!. not by gender, but by the fact we're all human!.

As such, I have -and continue to do so- opened doors for males !.!.!. offered my seat on the bus to males !.!.!. carried packages to an office (from the street) for males !.!.!. not because I wanted to meet someone, nor because there was an hidden agenda !.!.!. no, simply because there was another person in my sphere of reference that seemed as if s/he needed a helping hand!.

My parents taught me courtesy by the simple act of observation!. Be aware of your surroundings and it's easy to notice there are those who can -for just a simple moment- use a helping hand !.!.!. their gender is irrelevant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!. Definitely so!. Being courteous is never out of style nor oll-fashioned!. It's a way of showing what you really are as a man!. It also signifies that you are a gentleman of good breeding and character!. Whatever we say, we women are the weaker sex and we need (yes, we do) to be pampered and cared for even by strangers!. Extending us gracious deeds such as offering us a seat or opening car doors for us makes us feel so good and very womanly (yes, we also have our doubts) but gestures such as these, never fails to flatter us!. It makes us think good about ourselves and the ones who offered us such a cavalry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has become a problem for me to understand what's "modern day" & what's the "women's age"! There were so many 'modern days' in the past & time has turned them as 'old days'! So, the present 'MODERN" days will be OLD DAYS at a time!. Second thing is this, of what aged 'women' you are asking for!? If she is at her teens to 40, she would probably deny to get so-called courtesy!. Funny thing is this, when this young lady of "teens to 40" will be a 50+ someone or a granny, she would of course demand courtesy! :-) [Please forget the idea of offering seats at a crowded bus/train; since there remains the question of being Human!. Humanity or a simple civic sense provoke us to offer seats (& others) to a needy persons!.]Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, as old fashioned as it is i don't think it will ever go out of style!. or at least it shouldn't!. i know some snobby women get offended for some stupid reason, they think that the man thinks they aren't strong enough as a women to stand on their own or something but those women are cows!. i9f a man wants to be a gentleman and open doors for you and offer you seats, let him! because it's a dying breed!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All most all women in really cultured society got their good share of courtesy and all the really cultured women like it and all the really cultured women deserve it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes- it's sweet!. As long as men don't start acting like women can't do things for themselves, then the little courtesies really make women happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definately yes, its nice to have some chivalry from a gentleman, not too many left!. Makes a woman feel special!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sure they do!.
and, I suspect, modern day men also like to be treated with courtesy by women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I think the vast majority of women do appreciate those sort of gestures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not know whether I'm MODERN DAY but I sure would like a seat in a crowded bus esp!. if I'm carrying a baby!Www@QuestionHome@Com


Give me a 100 reasons, why not!? All ways!.


Yep, we may change our mind tho!.!. we do thatWww@QuestionHome@Com