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Position:Home>Philosophy> If u know that in giving, you also receive, doesnt that make u as selfish as som

Question: If u know that in giving, you also receive, doesnt that make u as selfish as someone who doesnt give!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We are all selfish to some degree!. Selfish means that you want to give something to yourself!. There is nothing wrong with that!. A great scholar by the name of Hillel once said "If not you, who!? If not now, when!? If you are not for yourself, who are you for!? If you are only for yourself, what are you!." I think that we have to have a balance between ourselves and others!. You shouldn't completely deny yourself and then you shouldn't completely ignore the others!. Find a middle way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the selfishness depends on the motivation of the donor!. many give with only the intention of giving, receive something in return is just a display of thanks or common courtesy!. I dont donate money to MDA just to have my name on a clover!.

If ones motivation is based on what they will receive for giving, then i believe they are on the same level of selfishnessWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that when you give something that you are attached to, something that is dear to you then you’re making a sacrifice!. You don’t know what you’ll get in return!. It may not be any material thing!. It may just be happiness and satisfaction in helping someone else!. We should think like that!.
Instead of thinking ‘me and mine’ we are both benefiting someone else and trusting in a higher power!. It is very necessary to develop that faith in a higher power and be surrendered to whatever God wants to give me while being detached from the ‘I want’ mentality!.
Bees work hard collecting pollen!. Although they collect it nicely in the hive, still the apiarist comes and takes their honey away!. Similarly all our efforts to collect can be so easily stolen from us!. It is not good to over-collect possessions as they will be a cause of bondage !.Attachment for them instead of attachment to loving God!. This is a world of give and take!. Allow things to naturally come and give things without attachment!. Everything belongs to God!. We shouldn’t selfishly try to make them ‘Ours’!. That is also true for other people!. We cannot ‘possess’ them eitherWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is what I had a big argument about in school!. and that was my point!. Obviously it is selfish, you mustn't expect anything from anyone, and make acts of kindness, only and because you feel it is the right to do!. Same as with the phrase, " Treat athers as you aould like to be treated" Doesn't that mean that you are doing something only because you would like to be treated like that!? Well anyway, just be nice for no reason, that's what I say=)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's an interesting thought, but, in my mind, no it does not!.

All I've ever "received" is a warm feeling knowing that I did something good!. Wouldn't exactly call that a selfish trade-off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It is MY PERSONAL CHOICE to give what I want, where I want, when I want and how I want, to whoever I want!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. that would be like saying it's selfish to drink water because it will benefit your body!. -*D*Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, Because you put yourself second instead of first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com