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Position:Home>Philosophy> How much time ahead will America remain as powerful as today?

Question: How much time ahead will America remain as powerful as today!?
Will America face her demise like any great power in history!? What will be the new great power and of what kind will it be!? Do you agree with Fukuyama about the end of history!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Let's review!.

America is not one of the 'progressive' countries in the world!. As a nation we balk at change, development, and the like!. We have wealth and genius among us but they are held back by old laws and inflexible societal pressures!. Technological advances and industry has been coming as much or more from other countries for some time now!.

Economic inequality in America has been growing for a long, long time now!. It has never been as high as it is now and even a century back it was much higher than most other developmed nations!. The number of people who realistically see America as the 'land of opportunity' is getting ever smaller!. Such growing class divisions have been the beginning of the end for many, many societies in the past!.

If you add up the value of all wealth and all assets in the entire world, the sum comes to about 125 trillion dollars!. America currently has a national debt of about 10 trillion!. And it's growing at a ridiculous rate!. Our currency does not rest on any fixed value!.!.!. oil was the only thing holding it up for years (an agreement with OPEC required all oil sales to take place in U!.S!. dollars) and even that is going out the window now!. It's not hard to imagine foreign investors beginning to see us as a bad investment and our economy suffering drastically for it!.

Stacking those on top of each other it is hard to be optimistic about America's future, and that's not even considering many other factors!. Still, it is possible for the country to pull itself in a completely different direction!.!.!. it just has such a weight around its ankles that it's going to be hard to do!.

As for the next great power, my money's on Europe!. They already have the infrastructure, the wealth, and the social progressiveness to move forward and their union just makes them a stronger team!. China may give them a run for their money, but Europe is already so far ahead it's hard for me to imagine them catching up even if they do become a major player!. We'll just have to see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Strictly speaking: To predict how the future of a nation will develop is an almost impossible task, there are just too many factors to be considered in the causal chain!. However, something that is constant not only in this physical world, but also in the "construct" that human civilization: is definitely change!. Nothing ever remains the same: entropy, the tendency to chaos, fragmentaion and disorganization acts in our social structtures as well!. Opposed to this force however, is the cohesion of the basic structures of human society: Family, clan, neighboordhod, city, state, etc!. But if these last ones disolve, what remains but a chaos out of which something entirely different can come out!. Human societies do evolve and eventually die out, we have seen this throughout history over and over and over, why would any modern country today be any different!?
I think that the USA and many other modern countries today will disappear to be replaced by other countries and nations in its stead: A process that has occurred over and over!. Migrationary movement, globalization and modern separatisms all are forces that shape the political map just like the magma under the earth's crust brings together and separates continents in a recurrent fashion!. How long will that take!? Hey, I am not risking a bet!.

Nihil sub soli novo: nothing new under the sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whatever happens to America, I will ALWAYS have great patriotism for this amazing country!. You see, it isn't really the people's fault about our country's falling standards, but rather our *wonderful* leader Prez Bush's, fault!. I think that whoever is going to be in charge of our nation come the next election, they need to be as worried and involved as people like you and me!. But I think I must say, that every country has its rise and fall!. However, America will have always made a special mark in history because of what we were not too long ago, and what we could have been!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

America will be remaining powerful!. There's nothing threatening our country right now that we can't handle!. Dollar is weak now; that's cyclical and has happened before!. Gasoline costs are high, but when measured as a percentage of the average income, we've had worse!. The credit crunch is big news, but the financial sector is already consolidating into larger groups that are big enough and have enough cash to pull through, meaning that recovery is just around the corner!. Finally, we're in wars that are unpopular with a large swath of the public!.!.!.but, again, we've been here before as well!.

The only difference we're seeing now is that we are no longer the only powerful nation!. China and India have been positively booming lately, Brazil has been growing at a strong pace, and, if they can get some better internal security, the Phillipines could, in theory, be well-poised to be a major player in their region!.

So we're no longer "better" than everybody else in terms of affluence!. That doesn't mean we're going to belly-up!. Not all change ends in disaster!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

America is not what it used to be!. On the US Dollar it says In God We Trust!.!.!. This says a lot about tha first generations!.!.!. America is like one of teh nowdays celebrities, once they have money and admiration they start thinking they are the best and start doing foolish things!. I am not American but I desperately wanted to become one, applied for Diversity Visa every year!.!.!.it didn't happen!. Now I am contacted by INS weekly with offers to move to USA but I don't want to be part of it anymore!. What they do around the world doesn't represent me , so I refuse politely!. I feel sorry for those Americans who are stuck between their beliefs and their government!. It's hard to stand by them because tou're American when you disagree with their actions and international policy !.
Like any wild celebrity, if USA doesn't consider"rehab" it will end up in "jail''Www@QuestionHome@Com

The power of a nation is as the power of an individual!. When connected to God, all is possible!. When disconnected, nothing is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We're already on the decline!. I see the new great power coming from China and being touted as the "new capitalism!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we'll have to learn to speak Chinese soon!. With their growing economy and technological advancements combined with Americans getting complacent, they will be the higher power soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally belive that since the outrageous gas prices are going to keep getting higher, and that almost every United States citizen has a car!.!. Yeah!.!.!. And if we keep starting wars, were done forWww@QuestionHome@Com

even everyone resolves to walking and says "SCREW GAS" then, were screwed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dear, not less than 300 or 400 years from now!.!.!.this is a factWww@QuestionHome@Com