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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is the best memory you have of someone who has passed away??

Question: What is the best memory you have of someone who has passed away!?!?
Do you have a loved one who passed away many years or a while ago, but you still cry about it and miss them!?
What is the best memory you have of that loved one that warms your heart when you think about them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well!.!.!. I'd say that I miss my grandmother a lot!. She was such a good laugh!.
I remember when I would get her some chocolate every night and she'd smile and say that I was her best grandson!. Hahahaha!.
I remember the occasions when she would be cooking some very nice and tasty food and I had to keep away and not touch anything (unless I wanted to get hit by a sauce pan in the head)!.
I remember she told me many times that she'd lock me in a cage as I was mad and potentially dangerous to the society!. Hahahaha
She'd be always joking and making fun of everything!. She was great and I am so sorry I haven't told her I loved her before she died, as I was away from her!. But in the end, I think I didn't have to!. She knew it and I knew that I was the preferred one!!!

And just so you know, my dear:
I am keeping an eye on those blokes, all right!? I dare them to be this funny in front of me!.!.!. Just a jealous guy!.!.!. HeheheheheWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure why people ask such questions!.!.!.but when I read this my eyes are filled with tears!. And I guess you asked this cause you have lost someone and you r asking this for some comfort!.
To the memory of my grandfather, the one who believed in me, inspired me and gave me a sense of purpose!.
He passed away in 2002!. But I still feel as if it was yesterday!. The pain is so huge that I learned how to patient!.
when he died , a part of me died with him!. I cannot explain it!.
I would give anything just to be with him one second! I miss him so much and that's because he left a huge place in my life!. this place can never be filled by anyone!. Time did not help to forget and ease the pain because in every occasion I remeber him and I wish he was there!.
The best memory!? well they are all best memories!. But to answer your question, I'd say that I can never forget when I was sick and he was taking care of me!. I can never forget his caring loving hands!. And every time I feel depressed or sick I remember him and this makes me feel much better!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.that smile!

it's my dad, I always remember him laughing and it really warms my heartWww@QuestionHome@Com

I remember my mom cooking food for me!.
My mother died about two years ago of cancer!. I cried a lot and got depressed!. Of my three brothers I was the one really attached to her!. She was my friend, my adviser, my everything!. I still think of her, and when my feelings get really strong I visit her grave and leave flowers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doutora, essa eu vou pular!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My friend Dra!. Carla, I'm sorry! N?o posso responder! =(
See you later!

WHATS ARE YOU TALKING!!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

My parents's love and care!.!. Special my sweet mother, who passed away recently, in 2006!. I have cried yet, and I don't believe that I can't speak to her anymore, and she's saying: I feel better now, because I have heard your voice, from so far!.!.!. my love!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good night!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have just one who was really important im my life and passed away!.!.!.mom
she passed away almost nine years ago, when i was pregnant
i miss her so much!.!.!.and i'm felling really sad when i thing about how much she could play an how many thing she could teach to my little girl
that′s a pit, but anyone has your own time to go


Dear Dra!. Carla

My dad died when I was still a little boy!. I still have good memories of him!. I remember my father driving me to school!.

Changing the subject, I agree with my friend "red": you are a beautiful girl and what a smile!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com