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Position:Home>Philosophy> "A man does what he must until his destiny reveals itself." Do you bel

Question: "A man does what he must until his destiny reveals itself!." Do you believe this quote!?
I saw it on a movie and it seemed make sense to me (of course it applies to women too, I am just using the direct quote)!.

Do you think this is true!? Do you believe that people can justify their past failures/regrets/actions by simply saying that he/she was "doing the best they could" until they meet their destiny!. And for that matter, do people have destinies!? Or is "destiny" simply a mode of self awareness!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's very thought provoking!. I agree, in principal!. from a philosophical point of view!.

For me, personally, I would replace 'must' with 'can' - it just sits better with me!. I think most try to do what they can and nothing more should be expected or required from anyone!.

However, back to quote and an opinion:

You can't stand in the waiting room of life searching for your final destiny!. You have to get out there travel around, see the sights, sense the world around you and when you have found what you are looking for follow your destiny to it's ultimate conclusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so you're saying, line up the best and forget the rest!? wait for the right one, but what if that destiny is the crappy one!? dont keep searching for gold lest you will find dung!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I think man works towards reaching and discovering his destiny!. Man does not sit around and wait for his destiny to fall in his lap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a man does what he wants no matter whatWww@QuestionHome@Com