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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do You Appreciate the Small Things In Life?

Question: Do You Appreciate the Small Things In Life!?
Things like the rain, and the stars!. All the things that revolve around us, but we don't really notice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Since I live in the country, I appreciate the small things in Life every day!.
They include:
The lilacs that are only here for around 6 days out of 365!.
The turkey hens teachings their hatch lings where to find the best insects and seeds!.
The bear who shows himself to us once in a while!.
The taste of a homemade pie made from fresh rhubarb!.
The spring peepers I only hear in late April or early May!.
Finding strawberries growing next to the old shed!.
Waking up with the weight of a 22 lb cat on my hip, purring away!. Who meows HI when I look at him!.
Watching the field corn grow with each rain!.
Watching the storm clouds gather and show their varied colors before they let loose there fertile water!.
Seeing the beauty of lightning, stars, the moon, the salamander under the log!.
Thanking Mother Earth and Mother Nature for Their bounty of beauty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yeaaa!. You could just sit and look!. Where I come from there is a big forest in Wantagh called twin lakes!. When I was little I use to go in there at night and just breath the air!.You know!? Look at the stars and wonder if god was listing to my every thought!. I use to talk to him like he was just another guy well I looked around at the bugs that would land on me or the trees that caught a gust of wind that started to shake there leaves!. If it started to rain sometimes I would not even leave right away!. I would sit and just try and get to know it!. You could watch the geese that had all there babys and then the teenage geese(haha) and then the big geese would walk right up to you and start making loud noise like it wanted to fight you!. Youd have to bail or it would bite you!. !. Sry if thats to much infoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I love thunderstorms, the smell of fresh, clean, warm, laundry, the smiles and giggles of young kids, spring flowers, and coming home to my bed I made earlier that day!. I think people are too busy these days with work and they don't get to enjoy the good stuff in life then when they are 80 they will look back on their life and wounder where it went!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The small things are the most important things in life!. Without the small things there would be variation, there would be no excitment!. Life would just the same thing over and over!. One big boring repetitive blur!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do sometimes
it really does depend on my mind frame at the time!.

but once in a while i guess everyone stops with their busy lives and just notices small things!.

simplicity is always good :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Indeed I do!. I have always been one to stop and smell the roses or whatever else might be blooming!.
One of the grandest small things I've witnessed is a butterfly coming out of its cocoon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as you will notice if you look closer,the smaller the thing the biger the beautyWww@QuestionHome@Com


If you cannot appreciate the small things in life what are you going to do when something huge happens!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on how small we are talking hereWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes that is what i love the most in life but i tend to take them for granted like everyone else can at times!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really do, but i never really take the time to,Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do notice!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes :)

yes i do ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com