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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you really believe that everyone has a soul mate?does each person hav 1 perso

Question: Do you really believe that everyone has a soul mate!?does each person hav 1 person that theyre meant to be with
and if you think so, for those people that don't get married, why is that!? do the just never find that person!? or do they just choose not to fall in love!. or do you think only some people are meant to find love!? what are your thoughts on this subject!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We have many soulmates!. We are deeply compatible with one out of every 10,000 random people!. But if you filter through the meeting of people, you don't have to date 10,000 people to find a soulmate!.

1) select a gender, that reduces your search by about 5,000 people here in the US
2) pick someone in an age group acceptable to you, reduce the number to 1,667 or about 1/3 of all age groups
3) select people that are involved with the things you enjoy and eliminate the others; reduce the number of dates to 167
4) eliminate the married, about 50% or 84 dates

So you are going to have to date about 84 people before you find one of your soulmates!. This doesn't mean you must sleep with every person you date; actually, sex complicates getting to know the person!.

Don't be shy, and don't be afraid to date people outside of the normal qualities of people you normally associate with!. The reason you haven't found anyone yet might be because you continue to date the same type of person!.

Get busy! Get one of your friends to set you up!. Even if the person you get settup with is completely wrong for you, doesn't mean that the date was a failure!. You never know who will invite you to a get-together where you ultimately meet your soulmate!.

Don't be surprised if you meet multiple soulmates over the course of your life!.

Now what is the Soul, and how does it work!? The following link details how it works:


If everyone was meant for someone, then there would first need to be the same amount of females as males on the planet!. Unfortunately, there is no equal amount of females to males on the planet!. Therefore, it's probably not the case that everyone was meant for someone else!. By the way, I left this as simple as possible, excluding the possibility of homosexual relationships!. Adding that in would only make it much more difficult for each person; for then there would have to be an even amount of men for men say 40 men total (with 20 couples) and and even amount of females!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, everybody was made for somebody else on Earth!. They do have a soulmate, that they are meant to be with!.
People that don't get married, they probably haven't found that person, and with 6 billion people on Earth, it can be kinda hard!. Or, maybe, they have met that person, but they refuse to love somebody or be loved by somebody!.
Everybody deserves at least one chance to have love, perfect, amazing, sweet love, but some people just don't take that oppurtunity!.
And also, the kind of people that get married to hillbilly weirdos, where nobody can understand WHY they love that person, either that person is still trying to find their soulmate, and they're just trying to occupy their time by dating other people, or, you know, that could be there perfect soulmate!. You never know!.
So, yes, everybody has one person that they were meant for, some people just refuse to take the chance to spend their life with that person!. :) <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe there are several people on earth that you can connect with and love, not just one in particular!. People who don't get married or choose not to marry are usually that way because of life and circumstances!. But soul mates is kind of a broad term, for instance, I have been best friends with the same person for 12 years!. At this point I would say that she and I were meant to be friends, soul mates in a way, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with her!. It just means that we connect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use to believe in Soul Mates I was married 40 years to same man he was good to me and we knew each others thoughts until he betrayed me not with a man or woman he done something behind my back and I always thought you can always forgive but you cant sometimes its just to horrible now here Iam a fat old lady that gave him my best and worst years and I have nothing or no family and know where to go, so the fantasy lasted 40 years and that's all I get I guess some don't get that much I am lucky!.Is out there you just have to fined it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people's soul mate is of the same sex!. Should they change preferences to accomodate!? Or maybe who we "travel with" in signifigance in our lives doesn't need to be our "spouse!."

Meant to find LOVE!. It's like saying meant to find WORD!. Which word, what kind of word, word to what purpose!? replace the above with the word love and revel in the inanity of your question!.

Love is too complicated a word to reduce to "sex partner/co-parent/ax-deduction"Www@QuestionHome@Com

no soulmate!. even if there is, there are 6 billion people, how are you suppose to find it!? the statistics strongly suggest that people don't find their soulmate, yet they still married, mostly because of love!. instead of trying to find a soulmate, first find it within yourself and be happy with or without someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe there is such a thing!. Perhaps I'm being a bit negative here, but I I think love (and marriage for that matter) is about finding someone you sort of like, who you can tolerate being with through the years, so that this thing called Love can grow in harmony!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally i think we all have the special someone out there for us IF thats what we want!. Some people dont want to have that special someone or just cant find someone to meet there standards (not that they need to lower them)!. If we want to meet the perfect one for us we will, otherwise we will have fun trying!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I believe we all have a soul mate, but we don't all end up with them!.

Sometimes you meet and then for some reason you don't see each other again!.

In my case he was already married, and in my day you did not leave a wife and kidsWww@QuestionHome@Com

for the 100th time in this section, no!. There is no such thing as a soulWww@QuestionHome@Com