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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do us as humans continue to live and do all the things we do?

Question: Why do us as humans continue to live and do all the things we do!?
what is the incentive to live on !.!. !?!?!? ever wondered !?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nothing really!. The other option is just too horrifying for most to face!. I like Cioran's take: I would commit suicide, but then there's the doing of it!.!.!.!. We're creatures trapped between one nightmare and another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An ingrained and inherent need for survival and liberty!. Liberty is the fear of being enslaved or oppressed or in stifling circumstance!. Love of the world and our brethren are motivators!. Love is the great enabler, or life is simply a force of habit!.

Mans ability or invoke and orchestrate his life situation is true power!. Man enslaved by fear or intrepidation is man as yet unawakened and unrealised!. Man finds a reason, cause and purpose to live and prosper and contribute his part to humanity and the happiness in others, and if fortunate derives pleasure and contentment from doing so!.

Peace and Love To you !.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't speak for anyone else, we all have different reasons!.

For me, it's a combination of incredible stubbornness and intense curiosity!.

For instance:

I want to live long enough to witness the first telescopic pictures of another Earthlike world!. I refuse to die until that happens!. If everything else is just keeping me around and comfortable until that point, I'm fine with that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is two choices, first is to live on the second is die!.!.!.
if your choice is the second one you will be take suicide or something!.!.!. and if you die by that way, are you sure you will be go to heaven!?!?!? and i am scared of death, is there someone who aren't scared of death!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if we don't live, we die basically!.!.!.
You have to live life to the full and make what you can out of it!.
Life is hard, yes, but you only have one go of it!.!.!.You only get out of life what you put into it, remember that!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the incentive to live on is ingrained in us or we would not have survived this long, that's it!.

If some species somehow evolved to not care if it ;lived or died, it would surely die off!. There is no more deep meaning to it than that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the idea of not knowing what comes next - Life is after all very interesting - even just at the elevel of will it be sunny tomorrow - what will I look like/feel like when I have grey hair and wrinkles!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we haven't become extinct yet!.

But mark my words, we will!. Any bets taken!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've never wondered but may the chance to let your mark while you're here!. I don't know really!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well that's what we were created to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the same as what made you ask this questionWww@QuestionHome@Com