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Position:Home>Philosophy> Has anyone ever seen a ghost before?

Question: Has anyone ever seen a ghost before!?
Has anyone ever seen a ghost before!?
I have seen two ghost in my time!. Once when I was 9 and my brother passed away in a car accident!. It was like 2 days after I was sitting on my bed doing homework and from the corner of my eye, I seen an image of him!. He had his right hand over his left and was looking at me with a still face!. when I turned my head, he was gone!. Another incedent was after my baby girl passed away!. The same night I came home form the hospital, I couln't sleep so I stayed up very late and I heard a baby crying fromthe room inwhich was going to be her room!. I ran in there and I seen a small white looking cloud moving acroos the ceiling very slowly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have seen spirits and have felt the coldness of their entity near me when loved ones have passed and they have called out to me as well in my waking semi sleep state!.!.!.

For some reason I always see them when I awake or when I start to fall alseep I believe some how with my own experiences there is a link between the two worlds of the living and the dead in waking or drifting to sleep!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

For me it started when I was very young like 4 years old!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I Kinda believe so, A figure walking past my Kitchen window,on my landing, roughly same time, every night for a few weeks, not seen for quite some time!. also, felt my Cat and seen out line on my dead Cat,only a few Times on my bed quite regular, sometimes I can hear him purr, I know sound Strange, but it's true, not imagination!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Creepy!. But I've also seen ghosts!.I have seen them 2 times!. One was the day after my cat died I saw her walking into the dining room and the second was when I was on a plane and a saw a streak of clouds like a sidewalk and there were 3 ghosts one was a kid and the other 2 were adults and they were all riding bicycles down the clouds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I did two so far in my lifetime!. My cousin, and our border's mother whom i have never seen before in my life- i only knew it was her when they took her remain from the hospital!. i saw her half an hour before our border came home to tell us she died!. My cousin was standing infront of my bedroom's glass sliding door with vertical blinds facing my backyard!.They weren't just a figure, they appeared like real people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ghost is not visible!. It enter into our mind and spoils!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow, that is quite creepy, and seeing as i am currently sitting in my room, everyone is in bed, and no lights are on accept for my laptop - i am a little freaked out!.

But yes, i believe i have seen a ghost!. I was sitting on the ground infront of my mirror, brushing my hair!. I looked up into the corner of my room and there was an still image, like a photograph, of what looked like a father and a small child!. They just sat there, it was quite a large image, however they did not move!. I stared at it for what seemed like ages (probably not even a second) and then turned around and it wasnt on my wall any more!. But I knew i hadnt imagined it, it was there alright,

I love ghost stories, it is quite a fascinating topic!Www@QuestionHome@Com