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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do you have to feel loved by others?

Question: Why do you have to feel loved by others!?
Why do you have the need to feel loved or to love others!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know if I need to be loved by others but I do want to be liked by others and I do want to like other people!. Psychologists will tell you that even a day old infant requires love--attention--in order to survive!. None of us are raised in a vaccuum--unless you're the boy in the plastic bubble--and part of that is being able to deal with others socially!. However for some reason some people seem to be needier than others!. They crave the affection they either don't get or they don't perceive they get!. Why!? I dunno!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because, " to love and to be loved is to feel the sun from both sides!.

also i guess its cuz everybody wants to fit in and be loved!.
Honestly,i couldn't care less what people think about me!.
lol,im me,take it or leave it!. =]
its kinda like that song, "What do you think about that" by Montgomery GentryWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think because we come from two people(parents) and they were connected regardless of how long 1 date to a lifetime together so our creator gave us this feeling or gift that's part of our DNA!. It gives you a sense of belonging, completeness, and most of all connection to a unexplainable joy&happiness POWER BASE of other than ourselves!. This is your instincts as part of a natural feelings to be connected to someone else!. If you don't feel that, somewhere along the line the connection wire has been broken or dis-connected!. You don't Have to Feel Love but I think to feel it shows that you are human capable of
emotional joy!. If you can feel and receive love than you are capable of giving love!. You can't give what you don't have in the emotional bank!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't if you are self-referential!.
To say "you HAVE to feel loved!.!.!." sound like it is an obligation!.
Saying "!.!.!.need to feel loved!.!.!." sounds like there is no choice, like it is a neccesity!.
Love is recognizing our highest value in another being and choosing to love them as a matter of choice because the world would be of a lesser value without them in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When we are born we need attention and affection or we die of "failure to thrive!." There was a report about some Rumanian Orphanages after the communist era ended, and because nobody was getting paid, they did the minimum to maintain the babies and a number of them died from "lack of love!."

As adults we have no such need but our psyche has a long memory!. We are afraid we won't thrive without attention!. Me, I want adulation, but I'll settle for pissing people off!. It fills a small need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's the only way you can feel like you are genuinely accepted in this world!. If you felt no level of acceptance at all in this or any other world you would not have any reason to co-exist with anyone else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If i had no partner, child or parents in my life then i wouldnt care if i was not loved!. But because they are in my life i want to be loved by them because thats part of having them in my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A very simple answer, but may sound wrong- that person may very well die! did you know that is in the first hours of a child life, if a child is not held it causes serious damage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don;t!.

Humans are social though, so it is quite common!. if we had evolved from a more solitary species, we wouldn;t care so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

The touch of love is nurturing and it continues to be needed long after we left our mothers womb!.Www@QuestionHome@Com