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Position:Home>Philosophy> If it is said that true love lasts forever, yet it only lasts an instant...?

Question: If it is said that true love lasts forever, yet it only lasts an instant!.!.!.!?
can we say that we an eternity can be a part of an instant!?

yeah, this is a "girly" question, you'd better give me some funny and random answers!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.does this mean we should be attracted to "Minute Men!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is funny already, me , a man, trying to answer to a "girly" question!. I will try!.

There is much discussion on what Time is!. What eternity and what an instant is!. No true love has lasted forever for me!. Not only an instant too!. What is important for me is that it lasted and as long as I was into it, both my instant and eternity were lasting an eternity!.
I hope this answer is girly enough, my lady!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love is an emotion and emotions, just like thoughts, pass very quickly and change more often than the weather in New England (where one can be putting chains on ones tires in the morning after shoveling snow, be wearing a t-shirt by mid day and then have more snow to shovel by the evening [been there and done that!.!.!.])!.

All that exist exist only in the present moment often referred to as "now"!.

This "now" is constantly changing (see the quip regarding New England weather) with what is at this moment "now" being the past faster than the same can be realized as the "present now" only to be succeeded by a "new now", which is then replaced and on and on!.

There is no past, as it has already gone or been replaced by the present now just as there is no tomorrow, an illusion which never arrives as, to quote a line from the musical "Annie", "Tomorrow's just a day a way!.!.!."

Theologically, god or the gods would reside in the "Eternal Now", a timeless place of non-being where all of existence that has been, that is and that will be co-exist which allows for such beings to be "all knowing" and omnipresent (all places at all times as all would be part of the eternal now of their existence)!.

Love, as an instantanious emtion/thought, if held in the eternal now would, although only existing for a second, be everlasting and, thereby, unending!.

As each only resides in the present now, can any one truly make a promise to love another more or longer than that same time span!?

Sadly, one often causes ones own suffering by clinging to the desire or attachment of the ever fleeting reality of emotions!.

May it be well with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

(LOL, Evelyn!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. for me it would have to be moment ladies perhaps!!?)

to the question !.!.YES!!!! it must be because there only is ever an instant, this instant,

or maybe its true love that last forever but being in love that lasts that instant !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. guess that's fine provided its not instantaneous!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends on, how you look at it!.
An instant, can mean 1,00yrs to planet earth
or 1 minute, for an Ant crawling up my arm!.
It all depends on Who, What, Where and When!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is saying that true love will last forever in your heart!.

I heard people dont often forget about their loved ones!.

I myself never was in love before(i am pretty young), but this is the most valid answer i can offer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't stand those commercials for Instant Eternity! The product just isn't as satisfying as the slow-cooked one, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're misled by time!!! Eternity is now!. (all ways)

eternity is based on mind & heart not the words or physically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

someone once said!.!.!.!.!.common people fall in love!.!.!.philosophers spend the rest of their lives trying to figure it out!.!.!.!.!.!.I see their point!Www@QuestionHome@Com