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Position:Home>Philosophy> What can help someone set their priorities before they start a self reevaluation

Question: What can help someone set their priorities before they start a self reevaluation!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Personally when I work with people I tend not to set too many parameters too early, apart form some broad goals perhaps!.

Try to keep an open mind until you have gone through the initial stage(s), depending on the particular model you are using!.

You can perhaps sort things into groups, keeping it simple, like friends, family, work, finance !.!.!.!.!.!.

Then for each area score each thing in terms of its importance for your life goals, maybe 1 is would be nice 2 is important 3 is essential

You can then select one or two of the top priorities to start working on, if indeed you feel any change is necessary!. Could be your just happy as you are!!!!

(if you do choose for some change don't be overambitious, set simple milestones and reward yourself when you get to each one, also if possible involve someone you trust to encourage you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.this is an interesting question because I see this, in some form or another, on P&S many times!.!.!.examples of this would be when the asker wants the answerer to list their 3 or 5 or 10 main wishes in life or offer a list of things one might want to change in themselves in order to improve their lives!.!.!.you know the questions I am referring to and they often spawn a large response because the "answerer" already knows what to say when having to "list" their priorities!.!.!.somehow putting such things into print gives one a home plate from which to "go to bat"!.!.!.(as in the game of baseball)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spend 10+ mins or so writing down at least 25 things that you like, enjoy doing etc!. Treat this like brainstorming - no editing!.

When the list is as complete as you can make it, review the list and make a note of which of these activites:

need no money to enjoy = $
a little money to enjoy $$
a fair amount of money to enjoy $$$
require quite an investment $$$$

Go over the list again and note how often you actually engage in this activity:

regularly : 2-5 X per week!. TTTTT
often : 1- 6X per month TTTT
sporadically : 4--6 X per yearTTT
seldom : 2-4 X per year TT
rarely : less than 2X per year T

Take note of how you feel about this investment of time and money!. Do you want to change anything (this year)!?


Write a paragraph of ideally what you would like your life to look like, what type of income, what type of home, where your home is, if you have a family etc, what type of work/ or what skills and talents you would like to use and develop in your work if you cannot think of what type of work you like!.


Then use the 1000 day plan (This exercise if from Michael Neil who has a web based radion show on www!.hayhouse!.com)

Part 1 of 3
Describe what you want to have acheived in 1000 days

Part 2 of 3
Describe what you want to have achieved in 100 days that will take you closer to your 1000 day plan

Part 3 of 3
What 1-3 things will you do today to move towards the 100 day goal post!.


Repeat once a year!.

I do this every New Years with a friend!. We take the whole day and we do one more exercise - we write our intentions for the coming year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thinking about your priorities and writing them down can give you a good start!. Sometimes they will come to mind in an order that isn't the same as their importance, so after writing them down you can rearrange them if necessary before you begin re-evaluating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A 'hazy' question!. You start on any path, that tickles your fancy!. keep going until you are tired or "they" are tired!. Than start a new path!. (go back to 1) From experience, I need ALL the lessons of all those paths, now that I am starting on number!.!.!.!.!.!. I forgot!.

Im going to try and interpret this as i best can!.!.!. in other words!.!.!.
How can you help someone determine their path before they start another one escaping a dead end!? Hope that they can find their own way, opinions of others only effect people so much!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

only after valuation of their merits and demerits, revaluation can be started, and the out come may not be acceptable to their mind , since their mind already conquered by their selfWww@QuestionHome@Com

the first thing that will help is asking ourself
"WHAT I ACTUALLY WANT"Www@QuestionHome@Com