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Position:Home>Philosophy> Your perfect world?

Question: Your perfect world!?
What is in your perfect world!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
a world where everything is fair!. a place that is based on merit instead of pure luck or connections, and where people get what they deserve!. a place where the only way someone can dwell in misery is if it happens to be self-inflicted!. a place where there is no hate towards anyone unless they justly deserve it, and where there are no religious arguments!. unfortunately, this place does not exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someplace sunny, near to nature, where the world isn't polluted and humans don't go cutting trees down willy-nilly!. A place where it only drizzles in the winter, and I don't have to suffer through snow and cold!. A place where everyone is considered pretty and talented!. It wouldn't hurt if animals could talk, either, and there was so obviously magic in the air!. I know I'm just going on a bit of a dreamy rant here, but whatever!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

My perfect world is never going to happen so why waste energy thinking of it!. Problems are never going to be solved so except the world as it is and move on!.

If it would happen

no war
no double standards
no struggling
no global warming
no poverty
no starving
and definatly no diseases of any kindWww@QuestionHome@Com

A very large one, with lots of vegitation so that overpopulation/starvation would be very far away!. Everyone is extremely educated and knows that a land ruled by one central [government] is a bad Idea, so we all just have little villages that dont fight with each other and we don't have a money system, we just do favors for each other!. Everyone can do what they want, with the exception of parent's rule up until the age of around 16-18!. There are no other planets/asteroids in existance so we can clear our minds of world destruction!. Everyone grows their own foods and decides rules with the community by voting!. there is no one person in charge!. and there is no one government in charge!.

Oh, and all the girls are really hot and there is no marriage!. Or religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A man that I share a soul connection with constantly and every kiss is soo hot every touch is electric and warm!. *** is un-imaginable like the best times with myself!.!.!. Our love would be like we were one functioning moving body!. There is a whole sky of stars and large planets and arora borealis!. We are on a beach with a crisp clean breeze and he's running his nails through my hair!. there is a sunset to the far east!. Work is survival!. we eat salmon and seaweed and mangos!. we grill everything and there is only perfect temperate weather!. small mist clouds water a rainforrest crop!. Oh and noone else is here!. We live forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A world that operates on reason, rationality, and logic!. Of course these as primary functions, using others for entertainment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This one!. Minus this question every night!. (only kidding!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

oprah as president (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

a world wit no problems like the ones im answering!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yikes!. You mean this is not the best of all possible worlds!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

one in which everyone speaks the same languageWww@QuestionHome@Com