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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would the Earth be like if no one ever died?

Question: What would the Earth be like if no one ever died!?
Think about this, no one can die, EVER not through any method, would we continue to breed in spite of that!? You couldn't punish anyone except through an eternal life sentence in jail!.!.!. Without death, would we end up like thousands of gerbils overflowing into the oceans!? I suppose if we couldn't drown then we could live in the oceans, but soon enough, would we be literally stacked ontop of each other with no room to move ever!? Think about it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Point first!. Very few creatures can reproduce when they are under a lot of stress!. Humans are no exception!. Supermodels who stop eating to be thin even stop producing eggs!. Mothers who are too stressed (even just emotionally) can have miscarriages!. Even families of very primitive tribes with no conception of birth control tend to produce no more than one child every few years!. And that's not through lack of sex!.

So if there were some overwhelming population of humans, new humans would eventually just stop being produced!. Even those that were produced might be very different!. You are what you eat, after all!. If you don't eat you can't grow simply because you don't have the materials and energy to do so!. So not only are we talking about people not stacked up on top of each other, but probably ones that are short or completely disfunctional (imagine a baby that was incapable of becoming anything else or developing any kind of neural complexity!.!.!. ugh)!.

Point second!. There are LOTS of kinds punishment other than killing people and most jail terms are meant to REFORM the people who receive them!. The amount of people actually locked away forever is very, very low!. So this doesn't really change the justice system all that much!. As a society, we would really much rather have everyone be a productive, happy citizen, no!?

Depending on how this immortality plays out, it might actually make things easier!. If it becomes impossible even to permanently injure people we might render them unconscious and revive them later!. Save a lot of expense and space in transporting people and holding dangerous criminals!. Even if people have no more regenerative capability than they do now it might be a boon in that you never really need to worry about getting someone to the hospital fast before they die!.!.!. just that they're in a good condition once they get there so they can make as full a recovery as possible!.

I am reminded of one of Anne Rice's books: The Mummy (or Ramses the Damned)!. It's entirely about a person who discovers an elixir which bestows complete and total immortality!. You might be entertained by it (link below)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The population would keep growing but phyically the planet would not!. If nobody ever died then in time there would be no space to move and a pile of people would just keep getting bigger and bigger!. People would end up outside this planet but because nobody would die the universe would eventually get over crowded and then because the universe is never ending in size people would just keep filliing it and thst would just keep happening without any physical consiquence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it would be WAY to crowded!.!. I happen to think it is already over crowded now!.!. and many scientists agreee!.!.
read this link - it is fascinating and poses interesting ideas on population control!.!.

I suspect if we lived forever there would be laws requireing sterilization!.!. there was a star trek episode about this once!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How is it now!? On the biological stand point we live on forever it seems!.!.!. We measure our lives in Earth years!.!.!. Not human years!.!.!. In reality we should die at about 40!.!.!. think about it, that is when life's processes start stopping!.!.!. It is when our bodies are in decline!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would people still have diseases!? Would they grow old!? It would be horrible and overpopulated, people would be miserable and in pain, disfigured!. It would be chaos!.

This question makes death sound like a blessing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This planet can only support a definite amount of living beings!. If no one died the earth would have to continually grow in order to support the living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the earth would be overcrowded!.!. no space for new species to live also poverty would increase because of no space for good shelter!.!. but for some people they might rejoice because of that because they have their love ones!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our reproductive organs would slowly cease to exist in our bodies and those left behind like the tail end of a comet would be like those in the beginning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



It would be full!. and im sure humans would stop reproducing after a while!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time is illusory!. It is an artefact of man!. In the fourth dimension, times' existence comes to a cessation!.

I have often pondered this question- peradventure in a different fashion than have you!.

Would we look at the grave differently if people just simply faded away when they died- I mean literally faded away right in front of us!? Would that change the hearts of men who disbelieve in the afterlife!?

Like small diamonds, like the flat brink of a cloud, life is immeasurably precious, even in times of suffering!. If we lived forever in this mortal coil, we would take the sanctity of life for granted!. Well, we already are guilty of this sin, aren't we!? Ergo, the sanctity of life would be greatly diminished to an even higher degree more if we lived forever!. We would go from obscurity to oblivion!.

It is part of the human condition to take things for granted- to step on proverbial sacred cows!.

A leaf is elegant!. It is frail, as are we!. It comes into and goes out of existence!. It falls from its source of life, and transforms into dust- this is the fate of we all!.

Death is strange!. We feel empty inside when our loved ones go away!. And yet even after we have become just a memory, the rain continues to fall!. The world keeps turning in the absence of our glorious presence!.



Anna Mae Aquash, a Sioux Indian woman, said these words just before she died:

"I believe that I have a
right to continue my cycle in this universe
undisturbed !.!.!.!. I will talk to you through the rain!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question here is my take on it!.

It would be like Adam and Eve lived before the Fall!.

When man fell sin and death, growing old, and pain of all kinds and grief,came about!. Animals also would not kill each other!.

There would NOT be any evil in mens hearts!. So there would be no need for jails!.

Men would have complete fellowship with God and see Him face to face!. There would not be any rebellion or evil in the world!. Everything would be blessed!. We would not have to work so hard at what we have because everything would be provided!.

Some bible scholars believe that the Garden of Eden was a bridge between heaven and earth!. so there would be plenty of room for all people!. Even today the universe is constantly expanding science proves that!. there is no beginning or no end to the universe in terms of literal measurments!. They cannot measure how big it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The opposite thing will happen!.!.!.people with try to find some kind of fountain of death(instead of fountain of life) all the opposite of preserving life!. I hope I'm not thinking too much but I'm imagining a lot of people are lining up and cannot wait to be experimented on, especially those who really had gotten bored with living!. This may occur during the first!.!.uhm!.!.!. millenias hehehe

Lastly, in this kind of strange reality here on Earth we might not find it in any dictionary and it will be labeled as a fiction!.

Or we can learn to hibernate for long periods of time then just will wake up 100 years after!.!.!. for us years will just seem like minutes for us!. We might as well adapt with our situation and instead of fighting what nature made us to be we adapt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well there is a limited amount of mass on Earth and it only changes from one form to the next (e!.g!. when you die, your body forms part of the soil)!. If no person or plant or animal ever died, then the animals would inhale all the oxygen, the plants all the CO2, bacteria would take N2 and we would have no atmosphere left!. All mass would be on the ground or the sea and we would reach a point where there would be no mass available for any further organism to be born!.

So, we wouldn't keep increasing our numbers forever!.

EDIT: It's not a question of caring if there is no more mass, they physically would not be able to reproduce to create another life because there would be no excess nutrients for the foetus to live off!.

Q2: Time would still exist because as long as something changes with time (e!.g!. if something grows over time) you will be aware of time and therefore it would exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com