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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you had one heart to give.?

Question: If you had one heart to give!.!?
You have one heart to give, but 5 patients who need it!.!.!.
1) A brain surgeon, who graduated top marks (Age 32)
2)A scientist Whom is on the verge of curing Aids (age 68)
3) A 12 year old musician
4) A pregnant Teenage Waitress (age 18)
5) A Teacher of an inner city school, with a wife and 60 kids, 2 are his own (age 50)

You have one heart to give, Make the right DecisionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The teacher of the inner city school with 60 kids!. It sounds like he hasn't been put off by the fact that he helps students that live in a poorer area or go to a poorer school, so respect!. He also has 60 kids!. Everything else that everyone else there can do can be passed on!. But to be a parent, a role model who shares a special bond with each child!? That couldnever truly be passed on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a pregnant teenage waitress!.
why you might ask!?

well 1) the brain surgeon can obviously afford to get special medical attention and be put on the top of a transplant list
2) same with the scientist
3) a 12 year old!? ok, well the parents would probably give a heart or do lots for the kid
4) the pregnant teen, if she's waitressing, she's not making lots of money, she's a teenager who's made a mistake, and she's pregnant so she might keep the kid, she needs a heart to do that!. besides if she doenst get the heart you lose 2 people instead of one
5) they can replace the teacher

i mean i'd feel bad for the others but again, number 4 you'd lose two people instead of oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

the scientist on the verge of curing aids!. Reason being, if this person can be afforded the time to complete his or her work, the lives the cure would save would number higher than the lives of the other options!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the brain surgeon because he will save other lives!. The guy who is 68 will die before he finds the cure, we've been dealing with AIDS for 20 years!. Haha, love first answerer's comment!. 32 is close to death!?!!? what are you 12!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. no cause i'm annoyed by over achievers
3!. probably isn't that good
4!. a waste, so no
5!. either a slut or has enough money cause she has 60 kids
2!. Yes!! this could save the human race!Www@QuestionHome@Com

12 year old musician!. hasn't experienced life!. the 18 year old pregnant girl obviously had some fun!. the rest are close to death anywayWww@QuestionHome@Com

the scientist!. fer sure!.
if he's about to cure aids!.!.
that's kind of important don't you think!?
that way you'll be saving more than just one life!.
you be saving lots!.

if i had 5 i would gice it to all of them but since i dont i think i would give it to #2 because if you cured them then they would cure so many other peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Number 4!. She is young and has a life inside of her, so you save two for the price of one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

3) For my one heart will save two lives that will mean more too each other, than the one life that could save millions!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is only one heart I would offer each patient and that one would be the only heart of God, His son Jesus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the 12 year oldWww@QuestionHome@Com

A Pregnant Teenage Waitress!.
If I Never Gave Her A Heart, Two Lives Would Be Lost!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have no idea!. too many pros and cons to each!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A pregant teenWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd give it to my true LOVE !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lmao i like the forst answer
umm i gave my heart away already :)
but ummm

3) A 12 year old musicianWww@QuestionHome@Com