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Position:Home>Philosophy> Your ideal job.?

Question: Your ideal job!.!?
Write your ideal job description!. Forget about job titles like 'doctor' or 'artist' or 'lawyer!.' If you could get
paid just to live, how would you spend your time!? What would you devote your life to!? What would your days be like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would spend me time (honestly) with just one other person,
I would devote my time to making that person smile every second,
Everyday i would cook, just trying to make the other person happy and content
kind of an personal DR!.

Well I very much enjoy engineering, which is what I do,
so I'd love to be like Tesla or Edison and just invent stuff all day!.


Have you ever seen the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition!? They usually have a few swimsuits that are painted on!.

Which means somewhere in this world, there's a guy that gets paid to fly to exotic locations & paint swimsuits onto naked supermodels!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well my perfect job is a very complicated line of work!. I could say "File clerk, interior designer, psychologist, database manager, receptionist, social engineer, toilet fixer, botanist, chimney sweep, Guy Friday, cook, house cleaner, auto mechanic, ergonomics expert, social worker, all around jack of all trades";

or I could say an OFFICE MANAGER!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Field of arts and management!.
Social worker or writer,

I hate to be a lawyer, My crazy father was!.
Don't worry, if I am a doctor no one will come!.!.I like Dr!. Jeckyll as my idol!

If none, I can be a good wife!
or caretaker!.!.or a private dancer, whatever!.

And I am honest!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I already have my ideal job!. I am a teacher and don't make a lot of money, but many of my students come back years later and tell me how I have influenced their lives!. It is definitely worthwhile!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A treasure hunter!
It'd be so awesome to explore jungles and search for long lost treasure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would want to be a DJ, You would get paid for playing good music!. You cant get much better than that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com