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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would an organization possess various plans with different levels of secrecy ? S

Question: Would an organization possess various plans with different levels of secrecy !? So would someone attempting to!?
seize control of the organization likely be aware of the secret plans and probably be unsuccessful in attempts to take over the organization !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Girls Scouts are just like you say, but the Boy Scouts keep everything aboveboard!. The CIA has been notorious for not keeping the most secret things very secret (they give any bone to the "dog of the week" who is usually a Mossad double agent!.) When it comes to the Post Office see Girl Scouts, Microsoft, see the Boy Scouts!. Apple works in a series of concentric rings much like Dante's Hell!.

It all depends on which "organization" you are referring to!.
Obviously your metaphor fails miserably for the HIV virus and the immune system!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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