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Position:Home>Philosophy> Adam and eve - are humans essentially good at birth?

Question: Adam and eve - are humans essentially good at birth!?
are humans essentially good!? is it only after a baby has its first interaction with another human that bad is introduced to him!?
i have a theory that if adam and eve had necver done anything wrong, their children wouldfnt have and their children wouldnt have - which overthrows the whole idea of the ''tree of knowledge'' and can put it all down to human nature and adam and eve themselves introducing evil into the world but using the tree of knowledge as a metaphor for what they actually did wrong!?!!?

your thoughts and idea's!?
:-) use religion to back it up but dont answer if your selling something!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, we are essentially good because we are created in the image of God and God is good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good is not an object that we have!. It is an attribute that depends and varies on what we are describing of some object!.

Humans are normally born with a sense of fairness, the origin of our social sense of morality!. But a moral person is not necessarily a good person!.

For example, a kind (good) person might not be a skillful (good) hunter!. Or a generous (good) person might not be an accomplished and talented (good) singer!. Or a polite (good) student might not be an intelligent (good) math student!.

The Adam/Eve story of the Bible, like all primitive stories of the origins of humanity, is a metaphorical story that tries to convey the primitive person's ideas about the origins of good and evil!. Trying to interpret it literally is absurd and you end up with silly dogmas!. It also assumes that good (God) and evil (Devil) are objective things instead of attributes that we all have!. It is a mistake to confuse an attribute with an object!. People who take ideas like the "tree of knowledge" and the rest of that story literally have a stunted spiritual growth and are typically incapable (not good) of talking meaningfully about any religious issue!.

Your last request of using religion to back it up but not selling something is amusing as any religion is the selling of something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having been around infants and watching their development it is safe to say that humans are essentially good!. It is the choices that we make throughout life that effects our morals and behaviors!. The planet earth is a living organism with people who can choose to bring life (feed, clothe, love, enlightenment, tolerate, shelter one another) or choose to bring death ( hate, bitterness, ignorance, racism, greed, selfishness, war)!. If we look at every situation and ask if our action will bring life or death and choose life we live harmoniously as one organism!. If we constantly choose death then we are doomed as species!.

Mother Theresa said: ( I am paraphrasing) if we were to see our neighbors created in the image of G_d and loved our neighbors as ourselves, then we would have no need for tanks and generals!.

Carl Sagan said : (Paraphrasing) The old appeals to racial, sexual and religious biases and to fanatic nationalism are not working!. A new consciousness is coming which sees the earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed!.

Choose love choose life choose good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The story of Adam and Eve explores human nature and defines the nature of sin!. I've always interpreted the story in this way!. People are inherently good, but become evil through the decisions they make!. Here is a question to consider!. If all humans will eventually make some bad choices in life, then does that mean that we are necessarily evil!? We may necessarily have an evil part of our nature in that we will make some evil choices in life, but that doesn't mean that we start out evil!.!.!.just that we're born with a potential for evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When children are born they have no concept of good or bad!. They are taught that by their parents, whose ideas of right and wrong are based on there values!. Different religions have different values so not everyone has the same concept of right and wrong!. If Adam and Eve had not taken the apple from the tree their children might have!. Its like the saying curiosity killed the cat!. Its not really about good or evil becasuse if you don't think its evil others might!. Adam and Eve did not see their actions as evil they were just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the adam and eve story is metaphorical, not literal!.
it is an attempt of early modern civilization to rationalize the fact that at some point humans were animal like, and at some point we gained social skills, self awareness, compassion, regret, remorse, modesty, and the idea that there is a higher being who has expectations of how we are to treat one another!.!.!.

it's also a pitch to the affect that women were designed to be subordinates to men!.!.!.!.which may have worked in the old days but obviously not today!.

but to answer more directly you question!.!.!.
humans are born innocent, and good,!.!.!.and become bad/sinful with age and exposure to society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO people are not good essentially, the Bible speaks on the heart being filled with lust, greed, and all kinds imagination!. unless a man or woman is born again, the old man meaning sin or the devil, and his ways of thinking and doing has to die, so a new rebirth can take place, there none good except GOD, when they called Jesus good Master his reply was good! there is none good except his Father, so if you except his words in the Bible, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you also can have grace, which we live by in faith, mercy, and hope!. bless youWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you want you can buy my kit for three easy payments of $17!.95!. Inside is a large bible and you can repeatedly strike yourself in the head with it until you see sense!.

I think Yogi Bear steals picnic baskets because he was really deprived as a child and now all bears are gluttonous because he wasn't treated right!.

What!? What do you mean my idea is as corn dog silly as yours!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A) There was no Adam and Eve, that story is allegory or metaphor

B) Humans are animal which is neithe good nor bad!. If you want some idea of what we are like without the trappings of society, watch a troop of chimps!. Although they actualyl have culture too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good and a bad thing is both depending on the action and the perspective of someone else who is seeing that action!. No, humans are neither good nor bad!. It depends on one's perspective and belief to determine whether that action is good or bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The story of Adam & Eve was made up my ancient people who had no knowledge of genetics!. People should ask: Who did Adam & Eve's children have children with if they were the first people on earth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

People aren't good or bad, they are just selfish!. So are babies, we just don't mind it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com