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Question: What would be the perfect life!?
what would you want your perfect life like if you could change your live now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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It would be a world where disease did not exist, and there was no crime!. No worries about money, or pressure to conform!. Witnessing something that will not happen again for thousands of years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A perfect life has to be imperfect!. A life for which I would be contented by would be to maintain all aspects of intelligence mostly emotional and social!. With these qualities I can make life better for people around me and be content and accept the things in life you cannot control!.

The perfect life I hate to say it but money is significant in order to live!. I do not wish to be financially rich but financial security for me and for if I need to provide for my children and wife if that happens!.

What would make me happy is if I was to get married is to be a fantastic husband and if I have children to be a brilliant dad!.

The perfect job is one that provides the money you need to survive and for comfort but allows you to live a life that doesn't catalyze around it but still provides you with satisfaction!.

All of the things in my perfect life are within my control so I would change nothing about my life at the moment because anything I want to change I can because they are in my control!.

I am 16 and have intelligence in every aspect and even though I am unhappy at the moment in a weird way I have become content with unhappiness and will not let it affect me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The perfect life would be one upon which no improvement could be made!. Determining exactly what that life would be like would depend on the nature of the agent employing it: if it were a human, or a fig leaf, or perhaps a plant cell etc!.

To discern whether a life has achieved perfection or not, one would need to set criteria necessary and sufficient for perfection, in its purest state, to obtain!. This scale would be ambiguous at best, since perspectives, opinions, and personal frames of reference differ from one another in uniquely fashioned ways!.

So, we would need to find a unifying and universal prerequisite for life to strive to obtain, and will consider the agent exercising the act of living to, in this case, be human!.

What, then, is the objective of a human life!? What is the goal!? What is the, dare I ask it, meaning to life!? Whatever your personal answer to that is, would yield the result you are looking for, since, then, the perfect life would be the one which fully and holistically, without flaw or error of any kind, completed the objective, or objectives you set forth!.

However, that would merely result in the most perfect life, according to your paramaters and guidelines, and perhaps your criteria was not the appropriate criteria to scale the value or competency of a life by, or upon!. Perhaps you overlook things or elements which are in objective reality much more critically paramount in determining whether a life has achieved perfection or not!.

There is to date no such set of criterion definitively mass understood by the human species, nor, short of the one known as God, is there a judging agent, person, algorithm, or software program capable of cross-indexing and weighting out the formulaic variables which would be necessary to determine what the "perfect life" would be, and so we are left but to consider that the whole of existence, which incorporates all the chaos we cannot individually see through, is the only perfectly living thing!.

Considering that you constitute a portion of the peacefully copasetic symbiosis of galactically interrelated harmony known as complete perfection, and considering that you have a unique and individual relationship with the perfection that fundamentally constitutes you, it is safe to say that the answer to your question "What would be the perfect life," is your life!. So smile!.!.!.and the next time you head down the sidewalk!.!.!.strut a little!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am pretty grateful for what I have!. But to be honest, I am missing having a special someone in my life!. I've got a very supportive family and loving friends, I've got a job that others in my age what dream of but seriously it's having someone special to share all this is what I miss!.

Every night before I go to bed, I pray God that he would send that person to me and then I'll hopefully -despite what downfalls life might bring-, I'll feel that I have a perfect life!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi good question , but if you change now ! do you care about what you leave behinde !?
My own thing would be travelling around the world getting things sorted as required legal or elegal as required to help the down and oppressed to be able to know where there next drink of clean water was and where they can be fed with out being raped Male Female Chiled or Grandparent destroying there what would be perfect lives!.or is it there perfect life !.
A perfect life sorry there went on a bit whats your take on this!? sorry probabli makes no sence at all
kind regards ianWww@QuestionHome@Com

No need to think about money, nice house in nice area, good friends, a hobby you relly enjoy doing, a good book to read on bad weather days [when you don't have to go out], someone you love to cuddle up to and the oppurtunity to go on holidays when you feel like a change!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Same as it is now with my fiancee and 3 boys but living in spain near a beach with the job i have now as its homebased, and spending the time after the kids finish school on the beach! followed by lots of sangria wen they sleeping :):):) bliss!Www@QuestionHome@Com

have enough money for a comfortable but not over the top life go to work voluntarily becuase i wouldnt need the money but would like to give help because I want to not because i have toWww@QuestionHome@Com

To have some one special, a dog,a nice house, for my family to be happy and to be Comfortable financially too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to sell everything i own and go live in france in a lovely little cottage with some land for the chickens, sheep, goats etc !. bliss !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not to brag!.!.!.!.!.but my life is pretty perfect right now!.

Since I can't bring people or pets back to life!.!.!.!.!.I don't think I'd change a thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would give myself some confidence and tamper with my memory a little so I don't remember doing and seeing certain things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

tomorrow !.!.!. think about it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



basically just to have enough money to live your life comfortablyWww@QuestionHome@Com

one without you LOlOLoLOLOlOLoloLOLOLOLoLOLoLWww@QuestionHome@Com

Never needing money to buy anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to have a great husband, kids, great jobWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with ben doverWww@QuestionHome@Com

to finsh school and marry my fiance!!!!!!!!! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com