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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do creationists explain dinosaurs in terms of biblical accounts etc?

Question: How do creationists explain dinosaurs in terms of biblical accounts etc!?
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Keep in mind that the typical creationist stance on the whole of geological history was that it formed during the 'great flood' of Noah!. By their account, all the layers we see in digging through the ground were all deposited at the same time, and creatures stuck in those layers were alive at that time!. Depending on the scholar involved, that means all dinosaurs were drowned by the flood around 5600 B!.C!.

Some suggest that dinosaurs are not extinct!.!.!. just difficult to find these days!. They cite things like the Loch Ness monster or the coelacanth (link 1) to show that weird large creatures are not really so uncommon and that things sometimes thought to be long gone are actually found almost unchanged even today!. In that sense, there are any number of creatures that USED to be plentiful but are now extinct or rare, like the dodo, the buffalo, and perhaps soon the polar bear!.

Probably the minority position suggests that there were never dinosaurs of any kind!. Some suggest that paleontologists are just putting badly-deformed animal bones into formations that never existed as single creatures!. Some suggest that the bones were just created in the Earth (either by the Devil as a deception or by God to create a sense of continuity like the light in space from distant stars which couldn't get to Earth in a mere seven thousand years)!. I read one view once which even held the position that dinosaur bones were from ANOTHER creation that predates our own!. I suppose there's no reason why ours has to be the first universe!. And perhaps we shouldn't forget those creationists who aren't young-earth creationists and are just fine with billions of years of history!.!.!. they just think that the Divine was always there guiding and creating!.

So really there are LOTS of way creationists explain dinosaurs!. Many go so far as to cite certain strange beasts described in the Bible and say one or another of them is actually a dinosaur (and thus proves they were around at the same time as man)!. I've run into a few who claim that many fossilized remains can be found next to fossilized impressions of human feet, too!.

Hope that helps give you some insight into that side of the argument! Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Creationists have the answers as to what killed the dinosaurs!.

Evolutionists are still scratching their heads!.

Dinosaur remains worldwide are associated with water-laid sediment!. The one thing that would be most ideal for creating the massive fossil formations we have today would be a violent worldwide flood catastrophe!.

Go figure, the bible mentions a flood like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They simply say, if they're smart, that it was not mentioned!. There is nothing that is necessary about mentioning dinosaurs is there!? Further, to argue that because it has not mentioned or said anything of dinosaurs is not sufficient evidence that the Bible missed an important part of the existence of different creatures on planet earth and therefore the Bible cannot be true (or, whatever you may be trying to infer from the silence of this issue); for this would only be an "argument" from silence (which is a logical fallacy)!. Again, the Bible says nothing about child molestation but ought we conclude from its silence on this issue that the authors of the Bible thought it was no big issue to molest a child!? No!. Likewise, we ought not conclude from the silence of the authors on the dinosaur issue that they were oblivious of their existence!. The primary purpose of Scripture is to present God's will for human kind and his means of saving them from their own sinful will, which, of course, is Jesus Christ!. Of course, it may be, that the size of the T-rex is simply irrelevant to a persons understanding of Salvation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um well , there's nothing in the Bible that says dinosaurs didn't exist and you have to remember that although christians see it as the whole truth, it was just written by random people guessing at how we came about!.!.!. - imagination works wonders!.!.!. there mighy not have even been an Adam and an Eve - sorry if you're religious!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Deluded fools!. They change their ideas to fit new evidence!. I heard some have come up with the idea that the dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures were around the same time as humans, but the great flood washed them deeper into the Earth!. Not many paleantologists believe that (I wonder why)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They don't need to - they haven't seen one!. Stones are bones to jigsaw puzzle-enthusiasts everywhere!.!.!.er, I meant palaeontologists!. Not that I'm creationlist, just trying to even up the argument for fun, couldn't care for the blinding light of science or god really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you LOOKED at one lately!? Most creationist ARE dinosaurs!.

The ancients would have said to Aristotle, how can you say the God's are a myth, how do you explain the Griphon and Dragon Bones!? (Which we today mythologize were dinosaurs!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Creationists generally believe dinosaurs did exist, just at the same time as humans (try www!.answersingenesis!.org)

This isn't too hard to believe--we live with huge animals now as well as lots of reptiles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The creationist I know is a Native American!. His creationist view has no conflict with dinosaurs!.

Not all creationism is based on the bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

easy man didnt exist when dinosaurs did we came millions of years later its only the film makers that put humans and dinosaurs on the planet the same time as it was good movies seeing men getting ate by dinosaurs hollywood has a lot to answer forWww@QuestionHome@Com

Very poorly!. As was said above, they put their fingers in their ears and go "lalalala" ?

Even trying to carry on a rational discussion with them (if it involvs observable fact) is a waste of time!.


They don't take times and events literally but still believe that things were created by an intelligent mind rather than a bunch of soup appearing out of nothing and becoming ineffably complex on its own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I met someone once who was hell bent on the idea that Dino's never actually existed!. The bones we see at the museum are fake plaster things and is all a conspiracy!. She was nuts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would be nice if a "creationist" would answer this question, instead of those who think they know what a creationist would say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They don't!. They can't!. Delusions don't require scientific bases!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

stupid is stupid does lalalalalaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some say the fossils were put there by god to test our faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They put thier fingers in thier ears and go "la la la la la "Www@QuestionHome@Com