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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that LOVE WITHOUT PASSION is not a true Love?

Question: Do you believe that LOVE WITHOUT PASSION is not a true Love!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very wrong place you've chosen to post your interesting question! Well, see yourself! "They" are with such foolish emotion that LOVE is something Romeo & Jul type! Of course love without passion is useless or something notorious actions by someone with screwing idea! Please keep out the idea of Platonic love!. Sure you didn't ask that way, I'm sure!. True love MUST be with passion & something more which I do not want to discuss here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you need to work on what LOVE is and what Passion is!. (Do I sound like Bill Clinton: it all depends on what is is!.)

Does love require passion!? Well, what do mean by passion!. The anceint Greeks spoke of Apollonian and Dionysian ecstasy!. Dionsyian ecstasy was characterized by frenzied activity - wild sexual dancing, sexual congress, singing, whirling!.

Apollian ecstasy is more inward, actually totally inward!. A person in apollian ecstasy shows no outward signs but mentally is as in as frenzied state as any follower of Dionysis!.

I believe that sometimes we confuse passion with the baccanalian display as it is so apparent!. And, that we neglect the apollonian aspect as it is so internally oriented!.

If you're asking: is Passion, sexual activity, required for true love, I can assure you that it is not!. Love is an intellectual activity!. Lust is a sexual activity and often confused with "true love!."

The love of parent for a child, and vice versa, maybe passionate but, is almost certainly - we hope, not lustful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Passion in the form or ardour, spiritedness, fortitude and hedonistic state of euphoria is called passion!. Love has many tones and accents!. It is a deep resounding silence!. It is a laughter of dancing eyes in the summer sun!.

It is the overwhelming feeling the heart dancing for joy and the mind spinning somersaults!. Ultimately love is created, inspired, evoked and orchestrated by the individual himself!. Is as boisterous and excitable, effervescent or melancholic, irrepressibly enchanting or painfully despairing as man so creates upon his canvas!.

**The carnal frenzy referred to by 'd m' is excrutiatingly funny,lol!.**Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I think by 'passion' you probably mean something closer to 'emotion'!. Emotion sucks and constantly fluctuates and changes and is by no means any yardstick for measuring Love!. If you meant something different than emotion, you need to better define what you mean by 'passion' as there are several contexts in which it could be used even here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope! True Love is something unfathomable, it could be platonic but is still true love and passionless!.!.!.sometimes you have to set your true love free!.!.!.(that is selfless love)!.
sometimes its hurting, sometimes its ecstasy!.!.and so on down the line!.!.!.blah-bla-bla!.!.!.bottom line is, it depends on whoever has it, one thing is for sure!.!.!.he/she can tell if its TRUE LOVE!halleluiah!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Passion is not love!. That is like saying putting a needle in your arm is addiction!. It has to have something IN IT!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True love is selfless love, it mat be or may not be passionate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As your mom that question!. She will look at you really weird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

