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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are infinite possibilities a myth made up to hide people's finite potential?

Question: Are infinite possibilities a myth made up to hide people's finite potential!?
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I don't think so!. But there's an important distinction to be made here between "infinite possibilities" and "unlimited possibilities!."

A line segment has limited length but an infinite number of points!. A two-dimensional figure is similarly limited in area but contains a two-dimensional infinity of points, and so on: a figure could even approach an infinite number of dimensions while keeping the extent in any dimension limited, and along any segment drawn from one limit of the figure to another, in any of those dimensions, there would still be an infinite number of points!.

Of course, we are limited in many ways!. There's a limit to how long we can live, a tighter limit to how long without food, a tighter limit to how long we can live without water, an even tighter limit for air!. There is a limit to the capacity of our brains, and a limit to the range of true statements about all existence which can actually be proven to be true; both limit knowledge!.

But although these limits may set some bounds, they do not necessarily reduce the range of possibilities within those bounds to a finite set!. In more practical terms, they certainly do not reduce that range to so few possibilities that we are capable (given our other limits) of exhausting them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Infinite possiblities do not exist!. Only those possibilities exist which are predicated of a "thing"!. E!.g!. a snake cannot be the possibility of the planting of an acorn; an oak tree is the only possibility!.

"There is a use of [the concept] “infinity” which is valid, as Aristotle observed, and that is the mathematical use!. It is valid only when used to indicate a potentiality, never an actuality!. Take the number series as an example!. You can say it is infinite in the sense that, no matter how many numbers you count, there is always another number!. You can always keep on counting; there’s no end!. In that sense it is infinite—as a potential!. But notice that, actually, however many numbers you count, wherever you stop, you only reached that point, you only got so far !. !. !. !. That’s Aristotle’s point that the actual is always finite!. Infinity exists only in the form of the ability of certain series to be extended indefinitely; but however much they are extended, in actual fact, wherever you stop it is finite!."

Leonard Peikoff, “The Philosophy of Objectivism”
lecture series (1976), Lecture 3!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are infinite possibilities even from finite sources!. Given a blank slate, one can theoretically create anything!. Of course, each individual is limited by his own finite potential -but that doesn't mean he can't push himself to find what those limits are (perhaps far beyond what he perceived)!. This is why we strive for perfection, even though we know that it's ultimately unattainable!. We do the best that we're capable of, shooting for the stars and not thinking of the gravity pulling us down to earth (the reality of that will sink in at some point, but we shouldn't allow it to hold us back)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not think that people have a finite potential!. Some may need suggestions - along the way - when they get stuck!. Others may have to help out and supply these suggestions!. Since no two people are the same - neither are their suggestions!. Therefore, the human race holds the key to their own collective infinite possibilities!. It is no myth! If you want to add personal experiences and outside influences (like nature, etc!.) - then the possibilities become more and more!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The word infinite is used in much the same way that love is!. "I love milk!." What a ridiculous thing to say, and what a terrible waste of such a powerful word!. Infinite has the same problem--over-use and misuse!. Infinity is a concept, more than anything; and maybe a fictitious one, worthy of argument, thought and intense philosophical rumination!.

Now, as to your question: yes it is, but it shouldn't be!. Finite potential we indeed have, but if it wasn't that way can you imagine the confusion, the indecision, the sheer over-whelming nature of choices!? boggles the mind, the finite mind!. Personally, I embrace my finite potential; I try to grow and expand whenever possible, and acknowledge that there is more to do/know/be than I can ever even imagine--that's life!. Finite life!. Mortal existence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So infinite means potential or anything more than what is actual!.
Than there are infinite grains of sand on the beaches or stars in the sky or firing orders of the neurological network in our brain!.
Potentially infinite probabilities in the universe as within or own minds!.
The myth could be if a snake really wants to be a tree, he will turn into an acorn, or if we truly believe, we can walk on water than turn it into wine!.

An actual infinite (a set or collection of things, broadly construed) cannot exist!. It is clear that we are finite insofar as we are limited by our bodily dimensions which are extended in space-time!. Infinite possibilities do not exist in a finite existent or thing!. But an actual infinite cannot exist anyway!. The example of Hilbert's Hotel indicates that actual infinites do not exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is infinite potential because we can tap into the power that created the Universe!. It's the ego that makes up "infinite possibilities" to keep you in your analytical mind instead of making contact with God's mind!.

to shishya!.!.!.!."difficult" is in the analytical mind as well!. My yoke is easy and my burden is light!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The ego is finite, limited to past experiences and conditionings, but if one can transcend their ego they can enter a dimension of unlimited possibilities!. It is not a myth but it is very difficult to attain this state!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I take it as more of a goal, something for humans to strive for!. I don't think it will ever happen, but isn't that what pie-in-the-sky goals are for!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

We will never become more than we are !.We can surround ourselves with possessions ,but never fill the hole inside!.The icing on the cake "may hide a bitter taste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree on that one, its a hoax! possibilities have different designs and features to each and everyone of us, we cannot just barge into somebody else's possibilities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so!. I believe that God is infinite!.!.!.which means that there are infinite possibilities to anything because He is greater than our human potential could ever dream!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's more truth in your question than you will find in my answer!.
All I can add is, try to fit in, your time on earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I must find the patterns that suit me as a individual, and live in peace within my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More like to bring up the full potential!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are no boundries to potential just those who fail to use itWww@QuestionHome@Com