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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do some people in here insult and ridicule others?

Question: Why do some people in here insult and ridicule others!?
Even if you strongly disagree with what some might say you should always behave in a civilized manner!. That way you show respect for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Although we would wish this forum to be a convening of thinkers and minds from all over the globe seeking to exchange and share ideas it unfortunately is not!.

It is rather indicative of the western world about us!. The two extremes of intelligent and wholesome worldly souls mingled with protagonist and the anti social!. The civilised add great weight and prestige to this forum, the agitators have the luxury of anonymity behind which to behave in a disorderly fashion as they so desire!.

The Yahoo board is symbolised in its advertising which it questionable and encourages malignant trolls to behave in an equally insensitive way, it is unquestionably mismanaged as all things American owned and governed are!.
The good guys seek and endeavour to create harmony!. Likened to a nuclear weapon wielding, war mongering government inspiring anti social shoot outs whilst accusing others of terrorism, and brutality amongst its civilians, the forum is then a direct reflection of the state of western society at large!.

If the creation can be no better than its creator, a company can be no better than the hypocritical incompetents who manage and govern it!. Such is the rule of life!. I think it is called free will, but only for social extremeists, and rarely for peace protesters or freedom fighters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. They do it because they can!. They don't think they have consequences because they "hide" behind an avatar!.

2!. They do it because they think they are being funny!. If all the adults in their lives rely on "sitcom humor" to communicate, they may have few role-models for a better way!. They might actually believe that insults and ridicule are acceptable and "funny!." It may reflect a simple inexperience with any humor more sophisticated than what was available in the third grade!.

3!. They do it because at some level it works for them!. In the third grade, ridicule and insults seemed to let some individuals get their way, even if what they wanted was wrong!. Many have not grown, intellectually, beyond the third grade!.

4!. They do it because they are frustrated or lazy or both!. They see the arguments against their stance, and rather than taking patience and diligence in crafting an answer, they resort to one-liners!. Hitting talking points is easier and seems more reliable than thinking through original responses!.

5!. They do it to fit in!. They see others with views similar to their own, and they feel, again, like elementary school, that if they can "prove" they are against the same things by ridiculing those who are clearly on a different side of the issues!. Hitting the talking points and making the same snide comments makes them feel part of the "club!."

6!. They really do not respect themselves, and are simply killing time here!. That one is rather sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do believe it is respect for yourself, before people can be respectful to others they need to respect themselves!. therefore, they are insulting or ridiculing themselves as they attempt to ridicule others!.!.!. also, having to live with themselves knowing they just hurt another person's thoughts, dreams, or attempts to become open in communication cannot be very positive on their psych!.!.!. Bless your heart and good question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe one's way of expressing oneself, exposes themselves first!. Those people have been used to insults and ridicules!. Such behaviour is in their every day expression, so they carry it here!. Anonymity, helps such phenomena to expand!.
As you say, our own behaviour , our respecting the others, shows the degree of respect we have for ourselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you that self respect is the key to civility!.

In practice, the anonymity of the internet allows people to think that there are no consequences for their actions!. Of course the first consequence of being uncivilized ourselves is internal, not external!. As the internal dialog coarsens, so does the external dialog!. Individuals begin reflecting the "snappy put down" format of television or movies!. That so many believe that such "entertainment" is representative of society at large is rather disturbing!. This descending cycle islife imitating "art" not life as it ought to be!.

Many of the participants here are young, if not in years, at least in maturity!. Self-respect comes with recognizing the value of our contribution, not with being told our whole lives that we are okay just as we are!. We must strike a balance, though, between recognizing the inherent worth of a human and recognizing the behaviors that mark that person's contribution to or contamination of the larger world!. Inside, we all know the truth of our own situation, though we may deny it in public!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People fear what they don't understand!. That fear can take many forms!. ONE of them is to develop a way of rationalizing thoughts and behaviors by ridiculing others in order to feel superior or secure!.

It is only when a person's worldview and sense of self is open enough to include tolerance and interest in different and new ideas that a person is able to be civil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some people are just that way, bitter and cold!. they might have their own issues with themselves which probably cause them to lash out at innocent people, which in their defense, might not always be their fault!.!.!. they could have had a tough childhood but still- ridiculing others wont make up for something personal!. but other people are just flat-out rude!. which only makes the people who are genuine look better in the end:) so i guess we can thank all of those rude people!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i say they tend to be teenagers, and if not, their of the mental age of a very early teenager!.
those people tend to be extremely mistaken and insecure!. the only way they find to make themselves feel bigger and secure is by trying to make others feel small and insecure about them selves!.
as far as i'm concerned they can be dragged out into the street and shot! the world is a better place when they're gone!
(there goes my best answer!.!.!.)

This is more of a statement!. But anyways, people define different ways for themselves to feel that they've 'shown (self-) respect'!.

Everyone perceives things differently!.!.!.maybe what some think is a put-down is actually some kind of a compliment!.

Perception is selective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!.!.!. but sometimes people ask the most inane questions!.!.
Like do you think Bush is a bad president !?!?!?
The question has been asked in a thousand different ways!.
The answers are always the same !.!.One side hate him ,the other side loves him!.!.
So sometimes some people peeved!.!.
That gives people no right to ridicule or insult people no matter what!.!.
These people should just go to another question!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No matter where you go, no matter what you do, there always will be STUPID IDIOTS out there, ones are are ignorant, uneducated, insensitive, bigoted, racist, cretins, bottom feeders, mouth breathers, inbred, who need to be one-up on everybody else in an effort to be "kewel!." Stupid is as stupid does!. Note that a lot of these miserable excuses can't spell or make a coherent sentence either!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I AGREE - is it really that hard to treat others with respect and decency!? Why spread rage, hatred, ridicule, and insult when there's ALWAYS a better way to secure our unfolding INTERESTS (even if we cannot help but being such inherently interested animals)!?


Because today life become very competitive ,people are very zealous and suspicious about the person who have individualistic talents,so they insult and ridicule others and satisfies their ego and become happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hehehe!. I take it you (or someone) p|ssed off the Xtians or the Athiests ?

Welcome to the 'Civilized and Enlightened' Society of the 21'st Century ?


that is true but some people are so gaurding of their thoughts and beliefs that when someone crosses the line the flip!. they also might not want to hear what you have to say either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I agree, but some people feel that they can show that they are more "right" and "opinionated" by disrespecting someone else's opinions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they think if they hide behind a screen their words won't be judged that harshly!. you'd be surprised how many people starting little wars in here are in fact sad individuals in search of a life in their reality!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe everyone had insecurities and they feel better when they tease others!. yeah it is rude but we've all done it, and people shouldnt really let it get to them anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess 'cos it is easy when one can post stuff anonymously!. There's no penalty on being disrespectful !.!.cos no one actually knows that person hiding behind the avatar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thank you!. :P nuff' said!.
and to answer your question i doubt 95% of the people who do it would say anything to that persons face!. its because they are safe hiding behind their computer screens!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably because this is just like the real world, there will always be bullies!. Some people get off and making others feel bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats a very good point of emphasis!.!.I asked the same question months back!.!.!.
youre right! respect is the name of the game!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think sometimes people are just in bad moods and tend to take it out on others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no idea why people behave this way!. I never do :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because some people ask questions that are so ridiculous they deserve what they get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


they really want the two pointsWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree but were not all the same!.!. so we cant expect everyone to be nice all the time!.!.!. but i am optimisticWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree, but i guess some people are bored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com