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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does Good and Evil Matter?

Question: Does Good and Evil Matter!?
Since both are man-made concepts, does it really matter trying to be one or the other!? Can't I just be me without a positive or negative connotation attached!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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we termed whats good, is something that makes us happy, something that helps us survive!.

something we termed bad is the exact opposite!.

i would say its human nature to understand these because our survival depends on it!. if you do something bad, then prepare yourself!. all evil acts is just a form of stealing, you have sex with another mans wife, you steal his loved one, you rob a bank, you steal the money!. you kill someone, you steal away his life!.

this is teaching us that stealing is bad and if we want something we need to get it for ourselves, and not take the easy way our by not working for it!. this gives humans productivity and actually have a future ahead of them!.

it does matter, but no ones stopping you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good and Evil may be terms created by man, but they represent very real aspects of human nature and behavior!.

There are Good people, and there are Evil people and there are those people who sit in the middle!.

But they matter simply because they serve as a banner for each side, and though we will perpetually fight until we are all gone, it allows lines to be drawn and for definition of purpose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi!! Yes of course it matters a lot!. With out the two one would not know the difference, it is in fact very important ,that we experience both at some time in our life, because how would we avoid evil if we could not define it!.
The second part of your Q, no you cannot you concider that you can because you already know the difference and have obviously had some teaching or experience of this subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on how you define good and evil!. To me, good actions are the ones that lead me to accomplish a higher goal(such as happiness or peace), and evil actions are the ones that get in the way of accomplishing a goal!. So they matter very much to me, but they might not matter to somebody else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At the higher spiritual plane, there is no distinciton between the good and the bad!. And the yogis regard even the evil as the testing ground for their sadhana!. Pain is welcome for a sadhak!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It matters to the subjects!. The definitions are flexible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it matters!. good makes you feel one way and evil another!. does it matter if i shot you in the leg or not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good and evil are not man made concepts they really do exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com