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Position:Home>Philosophy> Whats the best day of your life?

Question: Whats the best day of your life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Falling in love with my girlfriend!.
I found an angel to guide me through my life despite all my faults and for that I will be eternally grateful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best day in my life so far as i live this very moment is when i have seen my wife delivered a healthy baby girl last December 2003!. I cannot express the gratitude how miracle works inside her body!. It is the most gratifying and exciting moment in my life!. You cannot express the joy it brings to a father like me!. It is indeed the best day for me and that could never be erased in my mind until my last breathe!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Man, Mr!. Hyde--tell me your secret!.

For me---hard to pin down--but I had a day a few years ago that I built up to through much meditation and spiritual work!. For a whole day, I didn't worry about anything!. I was completely at peace!. I loved everything and nothing could harm me!. I knew everything was okay!. That was a pretty awesome day!.

The tie goes to a little into my relationship w/my bf!. I had refused to date him for awhile because he's much younger than I am!.!.!.but had agreed to just hang out!. One day, I opened my mind to the idea of "what if"--we went to this rocky promontory by a lighthouse and had the most amazing day!. I remember his gorgeous smile, the warmth, the wind, the smell of the ocean!. After that day I became his girlfriend!. Another amazing day!.

Thanks for asking this question!.!.!.it is making me grateful for some of the days I have had!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was a weekend!. August 4th, 2006!. i met my current boyfriend!.!.!. we went on a "blind" date after talking on the internet for a few weeks!.!.!. it was honestly love at first sight!.!.!. i was immediately comfortable with him & he was equally comfortable with me!. we ate dinner, went for a few drinks, went to a concert, then back to his place!.!.!.!. i'll leave out the details!.

i had honestly never done anything like that!.!.!. i was 30 years old, had been divorced for 2 years from a man i had been with for previous 12 years!. i was finally ready to let someone into my life again!.!.!. i made a conscious decision to GO FOR IT & not be so careful as i had been for so long!.!.!.

we spent the next year barely having a day apart!.!.!. falling more & more in love!. now it's nearly 2 years later & i love him more & more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd like to think there are many more that lie ahead!.!.!. but as of now; the best day of my life was when I went to the San Diego Zoo w/ my 2 favorite uncles!.!.!. I must've been around 12 or so!. As a kid from Jersey; flying out to CA to spend some much needed time with my uncles was amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Today! Forget the past that sleeps, and ne'er the future dream at all, but live in times that are with you, and progress you shall call!. The past has gone forever! The future we do not know! Do the right things now! Have a good day TODAY!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A barbecue, a beach, my best friends, a sunny day and starry night, a nice herbal and a few ales and an acoustic guitar

what more can you need!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A day where I don't have as many problems to solve at work (I am in customer service) and my kids and I have a great time being together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tomorrow, then the day after, ad infinitumWww@QuestionHome@Com


Every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My wife is about to drop our first sprog, i assume that will be it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

being given a 2nd chance to fulfill my dreams :)Www@QuestionHome@Com