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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe in this saying?

Question: Do you believe in this saying!?
"Live for the moment!."

Some people say it, then turn around and judge people who do drugs and drink alcohol to have fun!. If you really, truly lived for the moment you'd probably end up in jail for the rest of your life!. Then what!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it is sad that people have turned it around into an open gate to not feel bad about drinking / doing drugs!.

To me, living in the moment means just that!. not worrying about the past or the future!. Not making up false scenarios about what could have happened or what might happen!. It is simply smelling the ocean air, feeling the sun beat down on my skin, feeling every word I type, being completely aware of everything that is happening around me right now!.

That's what it truly mean!. To me anyways!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe in the phrase, but I also believe that there are better ways to live for the moment!. It's easy to get carried away in it so you also kinda have to at least THINK of tomorrow, you know!? Because even though there may not BE a tomorrow, there just might be, so if you end up losing it and there IS a tomorrow then you kinda screwed yourself over, you know what I mean!? So when I live for the moment I also in a way am living for tomorrow, but I don't let it get in the way of my fun :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I seriously believe in that saying!.!.!.!. the problem is!.!.!.!. the saying has been poorly interpreted thus people take its meaning as "go party all you want" "be happy by doing anything you want to do, regardless!.!.!." and etc!.!.!. welp!.!.!. To live in the moment means, be AWARE of the moment, be aware of how time passes (or be aware that there's no such thing as time, at all) by; how the past sits in its corner and how the present actually lingers if you watch it unfold infront of your conscious state, and be aware that the future is just right there by the present u are witnessing!. all in all, live for the moment knowing that all there is to understand is NOW, for now is the past, the present and the future!. The rest are just peptides, synapses, etc!.!.!. brain stuff, you know ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

liveing for the moment, take drugs they can kill , drink alcohol it can cause liver disease u can have fun without drugs and alcohol !.live for the moment !.!.when u do drugs and abuse these u try to be all grown up!. i think ur looking at the saying wrong !.!.dont look at the saying to be a sinner use it and be a winner in life !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That was the WORST poem i've ever read! YOU SUCK!!!! it was so terrible! there was no rhyming or ANYTHING! WTH! why did you have to post this crappy poem and waste so much of my time! F$%# YOU!!!!!!!

nah, just not kidding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com