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Position:Home>Philosophy> Where do the answers lie for a happy life?

Question: Where do the answers lie for a happy life!?
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No life can be totally happy; we need to experience sadder times in order to fully appreciate the better ones!. Be the best person you can be - don't hurt other living things and treat them as you'd like to be treated yourself!.

The answers for a happy life don't lie in any book or doctrine!. or in another persons advice, because only you know what it is that will make you truly happy!. I suppose then that to access the answers to a happy life you need to learn to listen to your own needs and wants!. personally i think my own answers for a happy life are love as in companionship, and the ability to learn and evolve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness is life!. We simply need to recognise it!. It is like loading windows XP on your latest computer and finding it easy to operate and becoming happy!. Or it can be like loading UNIX, or SID2 and finding it difficult to work and becoming sad!. We always have a choice of loading HAPPINESS or SADNESS!. As part of my job I have to a lot of Human resource management!. I try to be just, but then I generally give a kind decision in the end!. This way i have no anger, no lingering effect of any decision I take!. The answer is in being KIND!. It stems from a clear insight into our complex selves!. For that practice mediatation or sit in the company of trees hills(GOD) more often!.

From personal experience, it lies in yourself!.

My dads a Christian so i take alot of advice from him, my own mistakes/experiences and the experiences of others!.

And now, im barely ever sad, never look back but learn from things and never worry about anything!.

PS, Watching the news doesn't really help, they never report anything good and if they do, its from a brief time of 30 seconds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for each individual there is a unique way that can lead him to a happy life , witch is a life that where u acknowledge that its not eternal and u where u reach for an unlimited joy which u know u cant re ash without the help of our CreatorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Number 1 is in living the truth that we are all unique places of the same reality!. When you do that, you stop creating causes that lead to hate and war!.

The next step is to realize that the tenets we hold in our heart paint our environment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answers for happy life lies in your heart and then in your minds!. How you react to a particular situation and how how you take it to your heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bhagavad Gita as it is,

its a manuscripture for this life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It lies within yourself!. You can be happy if u want to be for HAPPINESS is a CHOICE!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Within (the mind and spirit), as always!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doing what you want to do in life, trying to make others happy along the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are right, every answers lie when it comes to happy life!.


"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory!. "
Albert Schweitzer

I couldn`t agree more :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lower the whole world's IQ by 50 or 60 percent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com