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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is hatred of the rich nearly always a stronger emotion than sympathy for the

Question: Why is hatred of the rich nearly always a stronger emotion than sympathy for the poor!?
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It's not hatred for the rich it's envy and jealousy!. I personally don't hate the rich and although I'm considered as one of the poor I pay my bills as best as I can and I make do!. It's the individual that places value on what THEY feel is important!. Being rich isn't always a good thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The rich has the power that can hurt while the poor are regraded as weak and normally their power is ineffectual!.

The rich have normally no desire to become poor while the poor do want to become rich if offered the opportunity!. Therefore the rich ignore the poor as if they are not there!. On the other hand the poor are constantly reminded of their condition when they consider what the rich enjoy!.

There is also in human beings a sense of gratification when someone in need is given some help; and the poor offer that opportunity!. On the other hand there is a sense of frustration when some are endowed with more wealth that they need to live comfortably and want more; this creates a sense of injustice or even jealousy!.


Because everyone knows that there will always be poor people (some people choose poverty voluntarily to become better people!.) There are bad people in the world who do bad things to other people causing them to become poor (I'm talking about warlords, regimes of terror, thieves, etc!. not the rich people!. The richies do tend to give away lots of money every year to the poor!.)

We hate and resent the rich because we tend to blame them for the world's troubles and maybe even our own!. Though if they try to interfere then we get mad at them because they should mind their own business!. We distrust the rich because riches bring power and power corrupts people!.!.!. We really need to stop stereotyping and look at each person as an individual!.

And we do feel really badly when we see the little children in other nations starving!.!.!. the telethons wouldn't be happening if we weren't feel badly and doing something in response!. But you cannot live your life constantly thinking about the bummer of the fact that there are poor people dying all over the world!. Unfortunately you can live your life in resentment and distrust of those with wealth and power!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, you must define what you consider rich!? How much money is needed to fall within this category!. Is it one, two, three million or more!?

Sure, jealousy is a simple answer and a basic human emotion for many!. However, the truth is that many people are not willing to work as hard for their money as people who do have it!. Jealousy would probably describe the trust funders who never had to work for it!.

Lets face it, money is power! When you see a hot young girl with an older man who is balding!. Do you think they found true love and rode off into the sunset together!. The answer is no! She went with him because of his money in most situations!.

Money is something we all need to survive and many times the poor or middle class are used as pawns to acquire even more wealth!. If hating the rich were actually true, why are there so many get rich quick schemes!?

I believe it is a combination of jealousy, perceptions of greediness, fear, and frustration!. Understanding the root of the emotion is very necessary!. I think hate is too ambiguous to describe the question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it is not the fact that people are rich which makes poorer people hate them, it is the selfishness that often goes hand in hand with being rich that poor people hate and that selfishness is abundant!. Sympathy for the poor on the other hand is not abundant!. The former therefore, is bound to be stronger than the latter!.

Excellent question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not poor, as I live in the UK (a western country) and have a job!. And eat every day!.

I am also not rich, I don't own a house or a car cos I can afford one!.

So I guess I am in the middle!.

I don't hate the rich, but I am upset by them!. And that cos half the time I feel its the rich that make the poor so poor!.

On a small scale, why cant I afford a house!? Cos rich people have brought them all on buy to let!. Pushing the prices up!.

On a bigger scale, why is Africa so poor!. They have most of the things humans consider valuable!. Oil, gold, diamonds!. Its cos the west have taken ownership of all the valuable stuff, and give hardly any money back the place it came from!.

I think the rich need the poor to stay poor, in order for them to be rich!.

2 per event of the people, have 98 percent of the money!. Just think if that 2 percent gave just 20percent of there money up, you could fix the 3rd would!.

The poor don't need sympathy they just need a bit of the money that the rich don't need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because people in other countries, they really struggle, we dont know the meaning of struggle, £20 is like £200 to them and £20 would sort their bills and food out for a few weeks! And to see the Paris Hilton's of the world in newspapers!.!.!.!. it just disgusts me, really deeply!. How could anyone spend £5000 on a pair of shoes, that is more than a years salary for some people in the world, i dont know how ridiculously rich people live with themselves

Its sad how people are just going to thumb me down and take the silly western world "your jealous" excuse instead of looking into it and doing something about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Due to the envy of the individual viewing the situation!. But that's a material state of consciousness!. We are not the body!. we are not wealthy or poor!. We are not English or Indian, Chinese, man or woman!. We are eternal spiritual sparks that are not actually effected by poverty or wealth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because hatred is cheaper!.

That and too many people PRETEND to be poor to reap the benefits of "free money" and scam those willing to help out of their money!.

It makes the "willing" feel dumb, and thus less willing!.
If you want to blame people for not wanting to help the poor!.!.!.!.!.blame the scumbags that PRETEND to be poor!.

No one wants to be a sucker!.!.!.!.especially when they were just trying to help someone out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jelousy i suppose!? People want to have it all and not have to work etc and have the 4 by 4 and the massive house! Who can blame them!?

When you say poor i presume you mean over in this country where poor is unable to barely get by!? sometimes poor people who are young girls with 6 kids by 6 different dads p*ss me off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hatred of the rich comes from egoism !. Egoism seems to give more passion to all the feelings!. Sympathy for the poor, somehow eases our mind that we are lucky enough not to be in their position, therefore the emotion is subtler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because if you hate the rich, you aren't rich!. If you aren't rich then you are poor, and you have nothing to give to the poor, whether you sympathize with them or not!.
In this case sympathy is a useless emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Envy!.!.!.!. it seems unfair when people are born into wealth!. And lets face it, they are usually smug arses who ponce about wasting money on extravagant things with little concern for those less fortunate!. No one resents people who work hard and have made their own fortunes!.!.!. but people born with titles and silver spoons in their mouths are just smug!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They have the money to help the poor, and yet they dont!. Plus i believe it is easier to dislike one thing than be sorry for another!. Ior example its always easier to pick the bad points out of a car, rather than find the good points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you musnt always blame the rich because in a way they deserve it because they work hard for their money but its how they achive that wealth and how they use it is what you should see as wrongWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am not aware of hatred for the rich!.
There is a strong sympathy for the poor!.
Now, what was the question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can be jealousy - no one is jealous of the poor!.
But not always, sometimes it is because some of the rich are just downright horrible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jealousy!. I'm not rich but I would like to be!. It's much easier for most to hate those we resent than to have compassion for those who need our help and can be considered lazy or low class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe your statement is true!. I hear a lot more people feeling bad for the poor and unfortunate than cursing the rich!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Money is power!. Power corrupts and abosolute power corrupts absolutely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Envy!.!.!.!.People hate the rich for what they themselves do not have, very few envy the poor thier lack!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


because they are percieved as greedy - and in a position to help, yet they do nothing!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's easier to be negative than positive!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mainly jealousyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Rich people can help but don'tWww@QuestionHome@Com