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Question: Will interplanetary travel be common in the far future!?
Providing humans are around in a hundreds of thousands of years, do you think we will have traveled to and colonized other planets in our solar system and others!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i doubt the human race will survive that long unless we do colonize other planets!. basically, either we do something to save this planet soon, or there wont be any stopping the downward spiral the planet is in!. so yes, either well be dead, a utopian society, or colonizing other planets and maybe even other solar systems in other galaxies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People like to compare this to the now common intercontinental travel, but it really isn't!.
The other planets in our solar system are just not pleasant places!.

It's like asking if travel to Antarctica will become common!.
It's not that we can't go there, it's just that few want to!.

We probably will have a Moon & Mars base one day, but baring some major terraforming, (or humaforming) they will probably remain sicientific/military rather than tourist/colonist!.

As for extra solar planets - this depends on there being an affordable way around the lightspeed limit!.

So it's possible, but by no means a forgone conclusion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only if the rich get together to escape an earth-catastrophe, but where would they go to duplicate earth's hospitable environs!?!.
Governments could hardly afford or DARE to catapult the elite to another world leaving the rag-tags behind!. And only a foreseeable catastrophe could impel our civilization to desert what is overwhelmingly perceived to be an Eden in a vast ocean of rocks and burning embers!.
Going beyond our solar system is virtually impossible due to distance!. Even if our vehicle could attain the speed of light, the equivalent power requirements to stop or even slow down would overwhelm the vehicle's energy-load capacity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the far future!? I have little doubt that we'll be out there, at least to Mars and the some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn!. Beyond the solar system, I can't speculate, but I think we'll definitely colonize the bulk of the solar system in the next millenium!. I'd like to be around to see interplanetary travel, but there's not too much progress in that area!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know about our solar system --the planets don't seem, from what we know now anyway, to be suitable for sustaining human life!. as for other solar systems, i think we'd have to find a way to alter our relationship with time/space, lest it take us lifetimes to travel from one planet to another!. i do believe that would be possible, but in the VERY distant future, and i'm not entirely convinced we will be around long enough to achieve it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so!. There was a time, less than a hundred years ago, when travelling from one side of the US to the other required several days and travel to Europe was several weeks!.

It won't be next year, maybe not in 50 years, but it will happen!.


I love sci-fi, but have to say to say no!. Things in space are too far apart and the chances of finding another habitable planet within the entire universe mathematically unlikely!. We just don't have a way to get around fast enough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! If we are to survive we will someday need to leave this planet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com