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Question: Philosophy and Pacifism!?
Are philosophers pacifist!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Philosophers never call themselves philosophers did you notice that!? One expressing himself in a certain way would be called by that name!.!.!.by witnesses!.!.!.But everyone on a planet have its own philosophy !.!.!.!.pacifism, militarism all the isms as well as religions and its brunches all came from philosophies!.!.!.not nesesarily bad ones!.!.!.!.Hitler was in love with Nietsche philosophy!.!.!.quite peaceful one!.!.!.But it was always a time when people kill in the name of God, Love, Faith, Life, philosophies, their particular ideas with which people identify themselves with!.!.!.often seeing through negative linses that which is entirely positive!.
By the way most of Pacifists gatherings creates warlike attitude over anything they think is not peaceful and acting accordingly!.!. They do not pacify anything!. So answer to your question will be" neither one" Lovely elder who just searching for his Truth on his own levels of his own development!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some!. I actually don't know of any major philosophers in the west who were pacifists!. Even Bertrand Russell, who was jailed for protesting WWI, advocated using violence at other points (notably against the USSR immediately after WWII)!. I think pacifism makes it's case in absolute terms - using violence is always bad/wrong!. Most philosophers, I think, take a more nuanced view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sense your possible antagonism against pacifism!. ANY sensible person is a pacifist first and a warmonger last!. Would Dubya have started the Middle East war if he was assured his own daughters would be sent there to fight!? By the time the daughters' children are of age, this war will still be raging over control of the oil!.!. I cite Dubya's daughters as a contrast to the dead and maimed bereaved by their parents, sibs, friends and spouses
Philosophically, pure capitalism should dictate our oil policy!. Capitalism is a philosophy and a pretty successful one!. Capitalism (the philosophy) would have obfuscated any discussion of war or pacifism until circumstances dictated a different approach!.
If our leaders leaned a little more toward pacifism, we might have found a solution over thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

I was a pacifist until I was attaked with a friend and watched them beat HIM up and not me!. I realized that if it was my wife or girlfriend or child getting beat up, I would never have stood aside like that!. So my being a pacifist was a fraud!.

Pacifism is a philosophy but so is national socialism!. Why would a philosopher be inherently a peacenik!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

not most of them!. Some philosophies, like Utilitarianism, care only about the net consequences of an action, if hurting one helps the many, then the Utilitarian would see it as morally obligatory!. Others have no problem with reacting in self-defense to a situation!. My philosophy professor was by no means a pacifist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com