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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is there a concept more or better than love that has no opposite in this world?

Question: Is there a concept more or better than love that has no opposite in this world!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think your question is very interesting!. I've often thought about the subject you propose, but never the predicate!. I think ultimately there is no way to know for certain if there is or is not, but I think perhaps life itself (being conceived and therefore qualifying as a concept) is "more and better" than love in that the nature of any entity, love included, involves it(life that is), requires it, utilizes, perhaps even optomizes it such that "it" (any given entity: love, evil, rocks, space, turtles, etc!.,) can be at all!. I think it would be more likely for life and even inert, inorganic, lifeless existence to "be" without love included, than for love to "be" without existence included!.

As for the predicate however, that's more difficult; life's opposite is lifelessness, existence's opposite is non-existence!. Non-existence too, though, is a concept, and presumably, it would seem, non-existence is not real, or actual; (non-existence probably doesn't really exist,) so lifelessness likely doesn't exist either!. That being the more likely state of things, I think the closest we'll come to an answer on your question is!.!.!.life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is something that is beyond the limitations of duality!.
Duality being the left/right or up/down limitations of our normal consciousness!. That thing can be referred to as "oneness"!.
It encompasses both sides!. Like a mother seeing two children
fighting- understanding both sides of the argument deeply and yet loving both children!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess the idea or the concept that there is one God that sees and loves us all!.!.!.is the best one ever!. He has no counterpart!. Even the devil is so short a nemesis!.

(hey!. i like invictus' answer!. but isn't it the opposite of life is death!? could you please rebut it!? thanks)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything has an opposite - they compliment each other!. You can't have up without a down, you can't have good without evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about having no opposite, but i like the concept of Freedom more than Love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com